Welcome to the October 2021 edition of HAWKEYE,
IHW's monthly newsletter
Welcome to this issue of HAWKEYE, which is focused on equality, diversity and inclusion in IHW.
As we welcome new students and embark on the new academic year, we want to celebrate our achievements, highlight our aspirations, and show you how everyone can contribute to building our inclusive community.
In this issue you can read about:
- recent achievements of our Athena Swan working groups, and their plans for the future;
- colleagues' experience of contributing to equality, diversity and inclusion activity and what they've gained, both professionally and personally;
- new initiatives and resources, and how they can help us to make IHW a fairer, kinder place in which to work and study, and our staff and students to thrive.
Next year we will be preparing our Athena Swan Gold Award renewal application. Please look out for the launch of our consultation activities in 2022, when you will have the chance to tell us what Athena Swan and equality, diversity and inclusion means to you, and the positive changes you want to see in the next five years.
Dr Breda Cullen
IHW Athena Swan Champion

10 years of Athena Swan in IHW: what difference have we made?
Tue, 19 Oct 2021 20:15:00 BST
From our Athena Swan working groups
IHW voices: staff and students reflect

"5 minutes with..." Rona Strawbridge and Rachel Allan (AS mentorship group chairs)
Mon, 21 Sep 2020 14:04:00 BST

"I figured it didn't apply to me" Reflections on the experience of leadership training
Mon, 21 Sep 2020 14:04:00 BST

"I feel proud working to drive progress on equality and diversity" What's it like to be an Athena Swan reviewer?
Sat, 02 Oct 2021 17:15:00 BST
Quote of the month
"Diversity is about all of us and about us having to figure out how to walk through this world together." Jacqueline Woodson
What else is happening in equality, diversity, fairness and inclusion in IHW?

"Being productive and staying well" Making us think (and cry!) at an IHW event
Wed, 13 Oct 2021 21:54:00 BST

Updated version of IHW email etiquette and guideline now available
Thu, 21 Oct 2021 11:10:00 BST

Tell colleagues if you are learning British Sign Language!
Wed, 02 May 2018 17:15:00 BST
People news

Congratulations to...
Thu, 28 Jun 2018 18:33:00 BST
Celebrating the recent achievements of Institute of Health and Wellbeing staff and students
Staff and student noticeboard [internal access only]
PLEASE NOTE This feed shows the most recent noticeboard items. For older items, please click on "Full listings" at the bottom of this section.
Submit a story

Tell us about you and your work
Wed, 02 May 2018 17:27:00 BST