Events Archive 2012
Date |
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Summary |
Venue |
1 Mar | 19:30 | Translating Storytelling | Performance event at the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh: Can storytelling connect us if we speak different languages? Can it cross geographic frontiers and bring us closer together? |
Scottish Storytelling Centre, 43-45 High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1SR |
1 Mar | 18:00 | Hungarian Ambassador Talk | The Hungarian Ambassador, H.E. Janos Csak will give a talk on "European economic & political developments, a Central European perspective. | Ground Floor Seminar Room, 8-9 Lilybank Gardens |
2 Mar | Central and East European Energy Strategies: Creating a Sustainable Energy Future within the EU | A one-day workshop on 12 papers that examine a wide range of issues affecting the central and east European energy market and its current and future development within a wider EU context. | University of Glasgow | |
17-18 Mar | GRAMNet Postgraduate Colloquium: Cultural Construction in the USSR and States of the Former Soviet Bloc | The aim will be to explore the origins and nature of cultural discourses and practices in government, academia, the intellectual sphere and everyday life with a view to assessing their influence on the political and social development of these countries. | University of Nottingham | |
20 Mar | DTC Advanced Training Event: Ethical and Methodological Issues in Area Studies | This one-day event builds on the recently established LBAS (Language-based areas studies) Pathway as part of the SGS DTC initiative. It aims to facilitate deepening linkages between CRCEES and CASAW as the two LBAS Centres of Excellence at the heart of the DTC Pathway. | Southpark Terrace 15, Turnbull Hall (301), University of Glasgow | |
17-18 May | Fifth CRCEES Research Forum | A combination of research panels, plenary sessions and informal workshops to celebrate the variety of work being undertaken within the CRCEES network. | Wolfson Medical Building, University of Glasgow | |
13-15 Jun | Revisiting the Periphery | A Three Day Festival of Film and Theatre from the Soviet Era hosted by postgraduate students in the Department of Russian and Slavonic Studies and funded by The Partridge Bequest, CRCEES and the Department of Russian and Slavonic Studies at the University of Nottingham. | University of Nottingham | |
14-15 Jun | Assessing Accession 2012 Research Symposium | This year’s Assessing Accession Research Symposium seeks to address many of the past, present and future experiences of minorities (national, ethnic, linguistic etc) and the states within which they reside, as well as the development of policy and other approaches to deal with minority questions at the national and supranational level in the years following the EU’s eastern enlargement. |
Centre for EU-Russia Studies and Euro College, University of Tartu, Estonia |
19 Jun | DTC Summer School | Language Based Area Studies (LBAS) Pathway Doctoral Training Centre (DTC) Summer School | ||
31 Jul | CRCEES Funding Deadline | CRCEES Funding Call to all Postgraduate Taught and Postgraduate Research Students, and Advanced Undergraduate (i.e. honours, 3rd or 4th year) students attending CRCEES’ partner universities. | ||
7-8 Sept | Bodies in Translation | Part of an AHRC Research Networking initiative: Translating Russian and East European Cultures (TREEC) | Performing Arts Studio, Trent Building, University of Nottingham | |
28 Sept | Intersectionality in the Study of Central and East Europe | BASEES Postgraduate Workshop and part of the Translating Russian & East European Cultures event. | Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow | |
28-29 Sept | Translating Russian and East European Cultures | This event forms part of the activities of an AHRC-funded Research Networking initiative (est. 2011) which is exploring the practice of translating Russian and East European cultures. | Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow | |
5 Oct | Negotiating Ideologies II: Inclusion and Exclusion in Russian Language and Society | This interdisciplinary conference will examine ideological production in Russian language and culture through the multiple tools of inclusion and exclusion. | Princess Dashkova Russian Centre, University of Edinburgh |
5 Nov | 17.30-19.30 | ESRC Festival of Social Science | The financial crisis has had a significant impact in central and eastern Europe characterised by a range of complex social, economic, and political shifts. The event will include leading experts discussing different aspects of the crisis within the region and is intended for a general audience. | Yudowitz Seminar Room 1 (257), Wolfson Medical School Building |
6 Nov | 20:15 | Film: Living (Zhit) | An existential portrait of life in a wintry Russian province. Part of the Russian Film Festival sponsored by CRCEES and the Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC). | Filmhouse Cinema, 88 Lothian Road, Edinburgh |
8-9 Nov | 9:45 | UK-Finnish Postgraduate Workshop | This is the 4th UK-Finnish Postgraduate Workshop, run as part of the Finnish Doctoral Programme for Russian and East European Studies. | Gilbert Scott Conference Suite, Room 355 |
9 Nov | 9:30-16:30 | COSLA | A facilitated workshop for policymakers, practitioners, members of third sector and community based organisations, exploring new ways of evidencing social and cultural impacts of migration to Scotland, as a means to developing better informed policy, public debate, decision-making and practice. | COSLA Conference Centre, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH |
9 Nov | 18:10 | Film: Convoy (Konvoi) | Alexei Mizgirev’s Convoy, set in an apocalyptic Russia, is the story of an army captain commissioned to escort two deserters back to their unit.Part of the Russian Film Festival sponsored by CRCEES and the Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC). | Filmhouse Cinema, 88 Lothian Road, Edinburgh |
9-10 Nov | Minorities, Nations and Cultural Diversity The Challenge of Non-Territorial Autonomy | Participate in a multidisciplinary conference on the challenges of Non Territorial Autonomy (NTA) in a world of nation-states. | Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland |
22 Nov | 18:00 | Film: 'The Moon is Jewish' (2011) | Part of the GRAMNet Film Series 2012/13 | CCA, 350 Sauchiehall St, Glasgow |
28 Nov | 17:30 | West Coast Seminars on Economic and Social Change in Russia and Eastern Europe | In a joint seminar with the Glasgow South-East Europe Research Network (GSERN), photographer, journalist and security consultant, Peter Gordon will speak on the subject of: 'Kosovo; Europe's young country or old problem?' |
8-9 Lilybank Gardens |
30 Nov | 9-17:00 | Area Studies: The Ethics of Fieldwork, Conducting Research in other cultures and issues of translation; and Academic/practitioner engagement: How to achieve impact. Followed by wine reception. | Gilbert Scott Conference Suite, Room 355 | |
5 Dec | 19:00 | An evening of poetry from Central and East Europe with a Scottish accent. Scottish poets' translations of Russian and Central European poetry. | Curlers Pub, 256-260 Byres Road, Glasgow | |
7-8 Dec | The third and final research seminar of the British Academy Research Project at CRCEES, led by Dr Jan Culik. | CRCEES, 8-9 Lilybank Gardens, University of Glasgow | ||
14 Dec | Building the Language Base for Research: The Impact and Future of Language-based Area Studies. | Brunei Lecture Theatre, SOAS, London | ||
14-16 Dec | Weekend Workshop | An intensive two-day forum for pre and post-fieldwork researchers to share experiences of conducting research. CRCEES will cover accomodation costs. | Dumfries Campus, University of Glasgow | |
15-19 Dec | A 5-day intensive language course for postgraduate (PG) students working on Russia run by CEELBAS. Three spaces available, funded by CRCEES. | Oxford | ||
17 Dec | 9:30-15:30 | A free schools conference on Human Rights and Sustainable Development, for S5 and S6 students and teachers who have an interest in politics, global affairs, modern studies, sociology, law, history, geography or philosophy. | The Charles Wilson Building, University of Glasgow |
Residential Research Methods Workshop for PhD Researchers
Fri, 14 Dec 2012 14:56:00 GMT
Translating Russian & East European Cultures, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow 28-29th September, 2012
Tue, 10 Jul 2012 11:44:00 BST

Revisiting the Periphery: A Three Day Festival of Film and Theatre from the Soviet Era, 13-15 June 2012
Tue, 10 Jul 2012 09:00:00 BST

CRCEES: Translating Storytelling, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, 1 March 2012
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 09:15:00 GMT

CRCEES: Translating Storytelling, St Mungo Museum of Religious Life and Art, Glasgow, 29 February 2012
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 09:15:00 GMT

CRCEES - Lesbian Lives: Stories and Memories from Russia and Poland 15 February 2012
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 09:32:00 GMT