
Adam scriveyn, if ever it thee bifalle
Boece or Troylus for to wryten newe,
Under thy long lokkes thou most have the scalle,
But after my makyng thow wryte more trewe;
So ofte adaye I mot thy werk renewe,
It to correcte and eke to rubbe and scrape,
And al is thorugh thy negligence and rape. |
Chaucer’s Wordes unto Adam, His Owne Scriveyn
The first great English poet, Geoffrey Chaucer lived in a turbulent period of
war, plague, social revolt, religious heresy and murdered kings. But this
society was also vibrant, creative and increasingly literate, a time of
resurgence for the English language as a literary medium. The books and
manuscripts of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries give us direct access to
this vital culture. Whether workaday or gloriously illuminated, their pages
offer fascinating glimpses of the late medieval world from which they came.
Chaucer was not a professional writer, but a courtier and civil servant who
successfully served three kings in a long and varied career. Born in about 1342
into a middle-class merchant family, by the age of seventeen he was placed as a
page in the household of Prince Lionel, one of the sons of Edward III. In his
company he fought in France in a campaign of the Hundred Years’ War. He
subsequently served as a squire at court, attached to the household of John of
Gaunt, another of Edward’s sons. During this period, he soldiered again in
France, and travelled to Spain, France, and Italy. From 1374 to 1386 he was
Controller of wool customs, and also involved in diplomatic and secret missions
to France and Italy, for both Edward and his successor Richard II. He then
served as a Member of Parliament for Kent, managing in 1388 to survive unscathed
the undermining attacks on Richard II when many associates of the royal
household were executed. Following Richard’s assertion to rule in 1389, Chaucer
was appointed Clerk of the King’s Works, a difficult post that gave him
responsibility for the construction and upkeep of several royal buildings. He
either lost or relinquished this position in 1391, but was later given the
sinecure of a subforestership. After years of an increasingly tyrannous rule,
Richard II was deposed in 1399. The new king, Henry IV, confirmed and augmented
the annuities originally granted to Chaucer by Richard, a great relief at a time
when he was beset by money troubles. Chaucer died a year later, at about the age
of sixty.
Although Chaucer’s official career is fairly easy to trace, little is known
of him as a person and poet. His early lyrics and translations, such as The
Romaunt of the Rose and the ABC, were grounded in the culture of the court. One
of the expected accomplishments of any young courtier would have been an ability
to produce love songs and poems for the amusement of an aristocratic audience.
Medieval literary works were often composed for specific court patrons, and
Chaucer’s first important poem, The Book of the Duchess, was written for John of
Gaunt as a memorial for his wife. Many of Chaucer’s mature works would have been
similarly written for and read out to a courtly audience. The poems themselves
reveal more of Chaucer’s character than the official records. Hints such as the
description of the author in The House of Fame, who sits at a book, ‘domb as any
stoon’ and writes in his study until his head aches after he comes home from
work, indicate something of his dedication to literature. That he was a keen
observer of men is obvious from his masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales. A vivid
microcosm of fourteenth-century society, its wide range of characters are so
realistically drawn that they were surely inspired in part by Chaucer’s many
varied experiences, his exposure to continental cultures and contact with
different people from all levels of society throughout his career. Even if we
feel ignorant as to what motivated him as an author, his surviving work is
testament to the fact that he managed to write some of the greatest and most
original poetry in the English language in spite of such a busy life. Chaucer’s great achievement was to establish English as a major literary
language, and his poetry has been loved for generations for its humanity and
humour. But very few manuscripts of his works actually survive from the
Fourteenth Century, and there are none that are in his hand or known to have
been definitively corrected or authorised by him. Most of the texts we know
today as being by Chaucer are based on posthumous copies of his work, and these
may well have been subject to scribal editing and errors in their transmission
from copy to copy. Many years of painstaking research by scholars in collating
all the different versions of the early manuscripts results in the poems
published in modern editions. We know from one poem to his scribe, Adam, that
Chaucer was, in fact, anxious that his texts should be preserved as he wrote them and not
corrupted by careless copying: he chides Adam for his ‘negligence’ and complains
that he then has to ‘rub and scrape’ out his words to correct his mistakes. |

Illuminated page (folio 57v) |
Chaucer The Romaunt of the Rose
England: c.1440
MS Hunter 409 (V.3.7)This manuscript is extremely important in being the only extant copy of
Chaucer's allegorical poem on the art of love. One of the most popular secular
poems of the Middle Ages, Le Roman de la Rose was originally composed in French
in the Thirteenth Century by Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun. Less than a
third of Chaucer's Middle English translation of the poem has survived. Although
the question of its authorship has caused considerable argument, it has become
generally accepted that Chaucer at least wrote the first section to line 1705,
and that this was completed at an early stage in his literary career before his
principles of versification were fixed.
The manuscript was copied in about 1440, some decades after Chaucer's death
in 1400. It is not known who originally owned it, and some of its pages have
been lost, including the first text-leaf. Elegantly decorated throughout with
gilt letters and floral sprays, it boasts several particularly ornate pages
embellished with an abundance of floral designs, chiefly of Lords-and-Ladies or
Cuckoo Pint. This flower is an appropriate accompaniment to a poem on love, and
the artist has made suggestive play with its appearance.
This manuscript has been
digitised in
its entirety and may be viewed page by page. The first printed
edition of the poem (edited by William Thynne in 1532, as described
below) has also been digitised, and it is possible to view both printed
and manuscript copies in tandem. |

Page with annotation by compositor (folio 58r) |

Decorated page, with annotation by compositor (folio 13v) |

Decorated page, with annotation by compositor (folio 17v) |

Excerpt from The Romaunt of the Rose (folio 143v |
Chaucer The workes of Geffray Chaucer newly printed, with dyuers workes
whiche were never in print before
London: printed by Thomas Godfrey, 1532
Hunterian Bs.2.17
The first collected edition of Chaucer’s works to be printed appeared in
1532. It was edited by William Thynne and is regarded as being vital for
sustaining interest in Chaucer, ensuring his lasting reputation and influence.
Thynne’s edition is of particular interest to us because it has been
demonstrated that he used the University of Glasgow manuscript of The Romaunt of
the Rose in its compilation. Sections of text in the manuscript have been
carefully marked off in order to make up the pages of print. The page displayed
to the left corresponds to folio 58r of the manuscript, shown above. About three
quarters of the way down on the right hand page of the manuscript, the
annotation ‘coll’ can be found besides the line ‘And seide sir how that yee
may’. This mark indicated to the compositor where the second column of text in
the corresponding printed page was to begin, as can be seen in the first line of
the second column on page shown here: ‘And sayd sir: howe that ye may’. This
part of the poem is actually from a section that most scholars have agreed is
not by Chaucer, but by an unknown author using a northern dialect. However,
Simon Horobin has recently questioned this traditional assertion; he suggests
that Chaucer may well have experimented with northern rhymes early in his career
and that the language and authorship of the whole text should be reconsidered.
Folios 13v and 17v from the manuscript (shown above) are marked by further
annotations from the compositor.
The other images displayed below show pages from The Canterbury Tales
and the opening title of The Dreame of Chaucer. Thynne primarily reused
Caxton's blocks from his second edition of c.1483 in illustrating this work;
the woodcuts depicting the Knight and the Squire, however, were newly made for
this edition. The Dreame of Chaucer is now more commonly referred to as
The Book of the Duchess. Like The Romaunt of the Rose, this was
the first time that the poem appeared in print.

Woodcut of the knight from The Canterbury Tales (folio
C1r) |

Woodcut of the squire from The Canterbury Tales (folio
G5r) |

Title-page to The Dreame of Chaucer (folio
Bbb1v) |

Page showing deleted colophon (folio 102v) |
Chaucer The Canterbury Tales
England: 1476
MS Hunter 197 (U.1.1)This is a fifteenth-century manuscript of Chaucer’s magnum opus, in which a
diverse group set off on a pilgrimage to Canterbury. In having the characters
tell stories to while away the time en route, Chaucer provides the perfect
framework for a series of narratives, told in a wide variety of styles and
genres, that together mirror all human life. It has been universally celebrated for its dramatic qualities and
inimitable humour. The work, however, was never completed and Chaucer died
leaving it unrevised. It survives in ten fragments; there are no
explicit connections between these or any real indication of the order
in which Chaucer intended that they should be read. Even modern editions
today differ in the order in which the tales are presented.
Over eighty complete and fragmentary manuscript copies of the poem survive
today. The colophon of this volume supplies the information that it was made by
Geoffrey and Thomas Spirleng and completed in January 1476. Written on paper in
an ordinary business hand, the manuscript's leaves are generously sized but the
layout of the text is economical with no attempt at expensive decoration.
Geoffrey Spirleng was a civic official in Norwich. He and his son probably
copied the poem out for their own use. Their version is somewhat eccentrically
ordered; they originally missed out two tales that then had to be added in at
the end. Shown to the left is the page with the original colophon, crossed out
by Spirleng after he realized that he had not quite finished after all. It is
followed by the first of the appended tales, that of the Clerk (shown below
right). As well as inadvertently omitting part of the text, Spirleng furthermore
copied out the Shipman's and Prioress's tales twice. Shown below are the
beginnings of his two versions of the tale of the Shipman. Such mistakes
unwittingly offer us a fascinating glimpse into late medieval scribal practises.
Copying the same tales out twice indicates that Spirleng worked on his
manuscript over a long period of time, while his problems with ordering have
been attributed to the fact that he used two separate (and differently ordered)
manuscripts as copy texts for his own book.

The Shipman's Tale: 1 (folio 25r) |

The Shipman's Tale: 2 (folio 77v) |

Beginning of appended
Clerk's Tale (folio 103r) |

Beginning of An ABC (folio 80v) |
Chaucer An ABC
England: Fifteenth Century
MS Hunter 239 (U.3.12)An ABC is one of several short poems by Chaucer inspired by French courtly
verse. It is a skilful translation of a prayer found in the French allegorical
poem Pèlerinage de la Vie Humaine by Guillaume de Deguileville. It consists of a
series of stanzas addressed to the Virgin, each celebrating a different aspect
of her particular qualities and power. The title comes from the fact that each
verse begins with a different letter of the alphabet, going from A-Z. It was
probably written in the 1370s, at a time when Chaucer was beginning to
experiment with the pentameter.
The poem here is incorporated into a fifteenth-century copy of The Pilgrimage
of the Lyfe of the Manhode, an anonymous English prose translation of Guillaume
de Deguileville’s work. It follows the prose text without a break. The beginning
of the poem - ‘All myghty and all merciable qweene’ – is found towards the end
of the left hand page displayed here, flagged up by the second of the two line initial ‘A’
s in
blue ink.

Continuation of An ABC (folio
81r) |

Continuation of An ABC (folio
81v) |

Continuation of An ABC (folio
82r) |

Woodcut of the clerk (folio bb7v) |
Chaucer The Canterbury Tales
London: printed by Richard Pynson, 1492
Hunterian Bv.2.12
The Canterbury Tales has always been one of the most loved works of the
English literary heritage. This edition from 1492 was printed by Richard Pynson.
In its introduction he refers to Caxton as ‘my worshipful master’, a reference
to his indebtedness to Caxton’s 1483 second edition of the poem, upon which this
publication was based. One of his first issues, The Canterbury Tales brought
Pynson instant fame. He went on to publish some four hundred works, and his
books are technically and typographically the finest specimens of English
printing of their period.
This edition is enlivened by woodcuts that portray the different pilgrims.
Although charming in their direct simplicity, they do not attempt to follow the
descriptions of Chaucer’s characters with any great accuracy The illustration here
depicts the clerk. His horse is surely too plump to be described as being as
lean ‘as a rake’ and nor does he give the impression of being ‘holwe’ and
‘thredbare’. Moreover, he is shown caryying a distinctly unscholarly bow and
arrows. Woodcuts were expensive to produce and, in fact, in this work
occasionally the same cuts have been used to represent different pilgrims.
For further information about this copy of The Canterbury Tales see
the May 2004 Special Collections 'book of the
month' article.

Woodcut of the pilgrims (folio c2v) |

Woodcut of the wife of Bath (folio s2r) |

Woodcut of the knight (folio c4v) |

First surviving page: woodcut of the shipman from
the General Prologue |
Chaucer The Canterbury Tales
London: printed by Richard Pynson, 1492
Hunterian Bv.2.1This is another copy of Pynson's 1492 edition
of The Canterbury Tales. Both books are from the library of
William Hunter. Hunter
bought his other copy (shown above) at the sale of John Ratcliffe in
1776. Incunabula were much sought after by collectors at the time and
Hunter paid two pounds and four shillings for it. It is not known when
or from whom he acquired this second copy of the work, but it is
nonetheless very interesting for its annotations and other signs of
use by past owners. The fact that it is incomplete - lacking several
pages at the start and end, and with several pages torn and missing
internally - is indicative of the wear and tear it was subject to by a
succession of readers over a period of three hundred years before
reaching Hunter's hands. Hunter chose not to have this volume
rebound and therefore its front pastedown survives. Its inscriptions
provide some clues of ownership prior to Hunter. One annotation states
that the book belongs to the 'orphans of Mr Charles Brocket' and
goes on to list their names. More intriguing, however, is a note that
ascribes its ownership to J. Herbert, who lends it 'to Mr Urry for his
use in setting out a new edition, Sept. 16th 1714.' Elsewhere on the
page is an instruction for the book to be left at a coach painter's at
the upper end of the Haymarket for Mr Urry. John Urry actually died in
March, 1715 and his edition of Chaucer's works, which was a
collaborative effort anyway, eventually appeared in 1721. Its
title-page does state that he compared the texts of former editions
and 'many valuable manuscripts' in its compilation, but most scholars
were ultimately dissatisfied with the end result.
This book appears only in the web version of the exhibition. |

Front pastedown with annotations |

Excerpt from the Merchant's Tale (folio m6v) |

Woodcut of the miller and
beginning of his tale (folio g8r) |

Woodcut at beginning of Troilus and Criseyde |
Chaucer The Boke of Caunterbury Tales with The Boke of Fame and
The Boke of
Troylus and Creseyde
London: printed by Richard Pynson, 1526
Hunterian Bv.2.6Pynson printed a second edition of The Canterbury Tales
in 1526. The volume
is augmented by the inclusion of Troilus and Criseyde and The Book of Fame, each
introduced by fine woodcuts. The House of Fame, The Parliament of
Fowls, and other shorter works were also included in the final
section. Lacking a general title-page, it seems that these
parts were originally intended to be sold separately.
The opening of Troilus and Criseyde is displayed to the left. An historical romance,
its tragic love story takes place during the Trojan War, an event favoured by
many medieval writers. It has been suggested that this is the work by which
Chaucer himself would have liked to have been remembered. It was certainly
written when he was at the height of his career and public fame as a poet, and,
according to Pearsall, it is self-consciously and deliberately his masterpiece.
It was based on the Filostrato by Boccaccio, a work which would have scandalized
its contemporary readers as being both thoroughly modern and quite wicked in its
unrestrained depiction of sexual love. Chaucer’s version was probably the talk
of the court in the 1380s.

Title page of The Canterbury Tales |

Opening of Troilus and Criseyde |

Woodcut at beginning of The Book of Fame |

Woodcut of the pardoner with the end of his prologue
(folio N6v) |
Chaucer The Boke of Caunterbury Tales
London: printed by Richard Pynson, 1526
Hunterian Bv.2.8This is another copy of Pynson's second edition
of 1526. It contains only the text of The Canterbury Tales.
In this copy, a seventeenth-century reader
has annotated the list of tales found at the end of the printers'
'proheme'. He comments that the Miller's and Merchant's tales are
'baudy' and that the Wife of Bath's Tale is good. Sadly there are no
further expressions of opinion marked in the margins of the tales
themselves. Throughout the work, Pynson made the most of his
investment in the woodcuts of his 1492 edition by using them again.
However, he also had some new blocks made up, including the woodcut of the pardoner
displayed to the left.
Pynson's 1526 text of The Canterbury Tales is based upon his
1492 edition. As has already been noted, this earlier edition closely
follows Caxton's version of the text. All these different editions do
contain unique variations, however. In this work, for instance, Pynson
consistently regularises Caxton's spellings, changing 'hem' for 'them'
and 'thise' for 'those'. This book appears only
in the web version of the exhibition. |

Proheme, with annotations (folio A1v) |

Woodcut of the friar with the end of his prologue
(folio I6v) |

Title-page |
Chaucer The Workes of Geffray Chaucer
London: William Bonham, 1542
Hunterian Dr.2.1William Thynne produced a second edition of the
collected works of Chaucer in 1542. In it, he included everything
found in the first, augmenting The Canterbury Tales with the
addition of The Plowman's Tale. Thynne revered Chaucer and
aimed in his editions to give him the respect that humanist scholars
had bestowed upon the writings of the classics. Like Chaucer, he was
primarily employed as a functionary in the royal household, and
Blodgett suggests that the time consuming nature of his duties perhaps
did not leave him sufficient periods of leisure in which he could work
on Chaucer's texts with complete satisfaction. There is nonetheless
plenty of evidence to show that he took considerable pains in tracking
down a variety of manuscripts (including the copy of The Romaunt of
the Rose now in Glasgow) to compile his editions and that he
'rescued' previously neglected works of Chaucer for posterity.
Unfortunately, he also included several spurious works in his canon,
and was also guilty of misreading and misunderstanding Chaucer's
language on occasions. Thynne was not alone, however. That Chaucer's
Middle English was increasingly found to be archaic by the time his
edition was being read and used is suggested by a number of
annotations to The Canterbury Tales in this copy, where a
reader has underlined antiquated words and supplied their more modern
synonyms in the margins. This book appears only
in the web version of the exhibition. |

Woodcut of the knight and beginning of his tale (folio
C1r) |

Excerpt from The Romaunt of the Rose (folio
Cc4v) |

Title-page |
Chaucer The Workes of Geffray Chaucer
London: Richard Kele, 1545?
Hunterian Bu.2.21This is a copy of William Thynne's third,
undated, edition of Chaucer's works. It differs from the second in
having The Plowman's Tale placed before The Parson's Tale
rather than after it. In this copy, the colophon records 'Rycharde
Kele' as being its printer. According to Hammond, various copies of
this edition bear the names of different booksellers; indeed, the copy
Hammond describes cites Thomas Petit as the printer. This was the last
edition that Thynne produced. Although far from perfect, his work
influenced later editions throughout the Sixteenth and Seventeenth
Centuries, including those of John Stow and Thomas Speght. They copied
the works that Thynne ascribed (sometimes spuriously) to Chaucer, and
also maintained his tradition of including poems by authors associated
with Chaucer, such as Gower and Scogan.
The title-page annotation reads: 'guns & gunpowder. see 3d book of
Fame fol: 300'. On folio 300, the following is underlined, presumably
by the same reader:
Throughout euery regyoun
Went this foule trumpes soun
As swyfte as a pellet out of a gonne
Whan fyre is in the pouder ronne
This book appears only in the web version of
the exhibition.

Beginning of the tale of the cook (folio D6r) |

Beginning of poem by Scogan To the lordes of the
kynges house |

Title-page of The Romaunt
of the Rose |
Chaucer The Workes of our Antient and Learned English Poet,
Geffrey Chaucer
London: printed by Adam Islip, 1598
Old Library Bo3-b.1Thomas Speght was a schoolmaster. His first
edition of Chaucer's works appeared in 1598. It was printed by Adam
Islip and brought out in three impressions: this one was printed 'at
the charges of Thomas Wight'. Strictly speaking, it may be more
correctly described as an augmented reprint of John Stow's edition of
1561. However, its additions are noteworthy in including the
beginnings of editorial apparatus. This is quite clear from the
title-page's list of new features: these include Chaucer's
'portraiture and progenie shewed'; 'his life collected'; 'arguments to
every booke gathered'; 'old and obscure words explained'; 'authors by
him cited, declared'; 'difficulties opened' and finally, 'two bookes
of his, never before printed'. The biographical material was the first
life of Chaucer to appear in English, and its details provided the
basic facts of his standard biography until the middle of the
Nineteenth Century. The two books 'never before printed' were The
Floure and the Leafe and The Isle of Ladies (but called by
Speght 'Chaucer's Dreame'). Neither of these works are now credited as
being by Chaucer.
This copy was presented to the library in 1890.
This book appears only in the web version of the exhibition. |

Title-page |

Woodcut of the knight with beginning of his tale
(folio B1r) |

Portrait of Chaucer from the biographical section |
Chaucer The Workes of our Ancient and Learned English Poet,
Geffrey Chaucer
London: printed by Adam Islip, 1602
Hunterian Dr.2.2Speght's second edition appeared only four
years after his first. Francis Thynne (the son of the former editor of
Chaucer, William Thynne) had sent Speght a long letter of
'Animadversions' on the edition of 1598. Speght took these criticisms
- many of which were misguided - in good part and incorporated
Thynne's suggestions into his second edition. He thanks Francis
profusely for his help in improving the text in his rewritten preface
'To the Readers.' As well as revising the text throughout, two
short poems in praise of Chaucer are included, he adds the works
Jack Upland and An ABC to the Chaucerian canon.
The appendix of Chaucer's 'old and obscure words ... explained' had
appeared in Speght's first edition. It was revised and augmented for
the reprint. Chaucer's language was becoming increasingly difficult
for readers to understand by the end of the Sixteenth Century and it
was a striking and necessary addition. Consisting of some 2,000 words,
most of the entries simply give explanations in the form of synonyms.
In its original form it was not a particularly scholarly peice of
work, and most of the meanings seem to have been supplied through
guesswork from their context. The revised glossary for the second
edition also incorporated some etymologies.
This book appears only in the web version of the
exhibition. |

Added title-page |

Beginning of appendix of 'hard words' |