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Richard Beadle 'Geoffrey Spirleng (c.1426-c.1494); a scribe of the Canterbury Tales in his time', in P.R. Robinson and R. Zim (eds.) Of the Making of Books: medieval manuscripts, their scribes and readers: essays presented to M.B. Parkes Aldershot: Scolar, 1997, pp 116-146 Level 11 Main Lib Bibliog B154:10 1997-R Larry D. Benson The Riverside Chaucer 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988 Level 9 Main Lib English HC51 1988-B Derek Brewer A New Introduction to Chaucer 2nd ed. London: Longman, 1998 Level 9 Main Lib English HC105 BRE6 James E. Blodgett ‘Some Printer’s Copy for William Thynne’s 1532 Edition of Chaucer’ The Library 6th Series 1: 1979, pp 97-113 Level 11 Main Lib Bibliog Pers L 1870 David R. Carlson 'Woodcut illustrations of the Canterbury Tales, 1483-1602' in The Library Series 6 19:1 (1997) pp 25-67 Level 11 Main Lib Bibliog Pers L 1870 John Cummins The Hound and the Hawk London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1988 Level 6 Main Lib Sociology Z400.H8 CUM Charles Dahlberg (ed.) The Romaunt of the Rose Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1999 (A variorum edition of the works of Geoffrey Chaucer; v. 7) Level 9 Main Lib English qHC51 1979-R Vol 7 George Deaux The Black Death London: Hamilton, 1969 Level 8 Main Lib History CG255 DEAUX Harvard University Geoffrey Chaucer website http://icg.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer (page viewed 24/3/04). Matthew Boyd Goldie Middle English Literature: a historical sourcebook Oxford: Blackwell, 2003 Level 9 Main Lib English E255 GOL Jeremy Griffiths and Derek Pearsall (eds.) Book Production and Publishing in Britain 1375-1475 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989 Level 11 Main Lib Bibliog B141 1989-B Eleanor Prescott Hammond Chaucer: a bibliographical manual New York: Macmillan, 1908 Level 9 Main Lib English Bibliog HC104 1908-H Simon Horobin The Language of the Chaucer Tradition Woodbridge: D.S. Brewer, 2003 Level 9 Main Lib English HC139 HOR Peter Murray Jones Medieval Medicine in Illuminated Manuscripts Rev. ed. London: British Library 1998 Level 5 Main Lib Medicine qZY56 1998-J Joseph A. Lauritis (general ed.), Ralph A. Klinefelter and Vernon F. Gallagher A Critical Edition of John Lydgate's Life of Our Lady Pittsburgh: Duquesne University, 1961 Level 9 Main Lib English qHL114.L4 1961-L Lister M. Matheson (ed.) Popular and Practical Science of Medieval England East Lansing: Colleagues; 1994 Level 5 Main Lib Gen Sci HC2 1994-P Robert P. Miller (ed.) Chaucer: Sources and Backgrounds New York: Oxford University Press, 1977 Level 9 Main Lib English HC112 CHA New Chaucer Society New Chaucer Society Website http://artsci.wustl.edu/~chaucer/ (page viewed 24/3/04). Nicholas Orme Medieval Children New Haven/London: Yale University Press, 2001 Level 6 Main Lib Sociology G590.G6 ORM M.B. Parkes 'Patterns of scribal activity and revisions of the text in early copies of works by John Gower’, in ed. by Richard Beadle and A.J. Piper New Science out of Old Books Aldershot: Scolar Press, 1995, pp 81-121 Level 9 Main Lib English E275 BEA Derek Pearsall Gower and Lydgate Harlow: Published for the British Council and the National Book League by Longmans, 1969 Level 9 Main Lib English HG66 PEA Derek Pearsall The Life of Geoffrey Chaucer: a critical biography Oxford: Blackwell, 1992 Level 9 Main Lib English HC105 PEA Derek Pearsall John Lydgate (1371-1449): a bio-bibliography Victoria: University of Victoria, 1997 Level 9 Main Lib English HL116 PEA2 Paul G. Ruggiers Editing Chaucer: the great tradition Norman: Pilgrim Books, 1984 An Sonjae (Brother Anthony) Geoffrey Chaucer: an overall survey http://ccsun7.sogang.ac.kr/%7Eanthony/Chaucer/index.htm (page viewed 24/3/04). Nigel Thorp The Glory of the Page: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts from Glasgow University Library London: Published for Glasgow University Library and the Art Gallery of Ontario by Miller, 1987 Level 11 Main Lib Bibliog B162 1987-U Linda Ehrsam Voigts ‘Scientific and medical books’ in Jeremy Griffiths and Derek Pearsall (eds.) Book Production and Publishing in Britain 1375-1475 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989, pp 345-402 Level 11 Main Lib Bibliog B141 1989-B