
Veterinary Medicine & Surgery BVMS

Veterinary Medicine & Surgery student

As a vet you can contribute to society in a variety of ways. This can include serving the healthcare needs of mammals and birds raised for food, as well as acquiring an understanding of the structure and processes of relevant parts of the food industry, advocating for animal welfare, contributing to research, conservation, innovation and business. In addition, you will play a central role in the health of human and animal populations (companion, wildlife, laboratory and production) and their environments.

The University is one of nine Vet Schools in Europe to have achieved accredited status for its undergraduate programmes from the American Veterinary Medical Association.

Veterinary Medicine at Glasgow is ranked 2nd in the UK (The Times & Sunday Times Good University Guide 2025).

  • September start
  • Session dates
  • Veterinary Medicine & Surgery BVMS: D100 5 year degree
  • Veterinary Medicine & Surgery (graduate entry) BVMS: D210 5 year degree

About the School of Biodiversity, One Health and Veterinary Medicine (BOHVM)

Our School of Biodiversity, One Health and Veterinary Medicine (BOHVM) is located on the University of Glasgow's beautiful Garscube campus, just four miles from the University’s Gilmorehill campus. 

The Garscube estate spans 80 hectares at the north-west boundary of the city and is home to the School of Biodiversity, One Health and Veterinary Medicine (BOHVM), the School of Cancer Sciences and the MRC Centre for Virus Research.

The campus also has a range of indoor and outdoor sports facilities, onsite parking and excellent public transport links. The sports complex is popular with the University’s outdoor sports teams, with six grass pitches, two all-weather synthetic pitches, gym, tennis courts, cricket oval, exercise studio and 5km of walking and jogging routes around the grounds.

School of Biodiversity, One Health and Veterinary Medicine (BOHVM)

With over 150 years of veterinary excellence, the School of Biodiversity, One Health and Veterinary Medicine (BOHVM) is pre-eminent in teaching, research and clinical provision, and attracts students, researchers and clinicians from around the world.

  • Our research places us among the world leaders in global animal health
  • Accredited status from the American Veterinary Medical Association 
  • Top among UK veterinary schools for research quality (REF 2021)

Some of the facilities within our internationally accredited school include:

  • the award-winning Small Animal Hospital: Scotland’s only animal hospital with magnetic resonance imaging, alongside computed tomography and radiotherapy
  • all under one roof
  • the Weipers Centre for Equine Welfare, which offers services for anaesthesia, diagnostic imaging, lameness therapy, equine surgery and physiotherapy
  • the Scottish Centre for Production, Animal Health and Food Safety, which offers diagnostic imaging, fertility assessments and surgical procedures 

For more information, visit the School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine.

School of Cancer Sciences

The School of Cancer Sciences is part of a national centre of excellence in the fight against cancer. The School carries out a programme of world-class science directed at understanding the molecular changes that cause cancer. It boasts one of the largest centres for cancer trials in the UK and is working to translate scientific discoveries into new drugs or diagnostic and prognostic tools that benefit cancer patients, taking new therapies through pre-clinical and clinical trials. The School of Cancer Sciences is a major component of the Cancer Research UK West of Scotland Cancer Centre and is a partner with the Beatson Institute for Cancer Research (BICR), which together form the core of cancer research in Glasgow. 

For more information visit the School of Cancer Sciences.

MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research

The MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research (CVR) was established in 2010 and represents the UK’s largest grouping of human and veterinary virologists. The centre carries out multidisciplinary research on viruses and viral diseases of humans and animals, translating the knowledge gained for the improvement of health. Research covers emerging viruses including arboviruses, innate and intrinsic immunity to virus infection, hepatitis C virus, viruses and cancer, structural virology, viral genomics and bioinformatics.

For more information visit the MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research.

Programme structure

Purpose and goals

The BVMS programme is based on integration of clinical and science subject areas and is delivered using a range of teaching methods. The spiral course structure means that you will revisit topics as you progress through the programme, each time with increasing clinical focus. In conjunction, there is a vertical theme of professional and clinical skills development to help you acquire the personal qualities and skills you will need in professional environments. Through individual, teamworking and student-centred active learning approaches, you will develop the skills required for lifelong independent learning.

Foundation phase (years 1 and 2)

In the first two years of the programme you will acquire fundamental knowledge and develop the skills and attitudes on which the following years of your training are based. During this initial phase, you will use realistic scenarios and cases to relate the anatomy and physiology of the body systems to health and disease in domestic animals, as well as looking at the underlying cellular process involved. You will gain an insight into common husbandry practice and animal breeding and how these impact on the animals we care for.

Your professional training starts at the beginning of year 1 as you begin classes in fundamental animal-handling techniques, learn skills such as suturing, and develop your communication skills, building a solid foundation in the art of history taking, clinical examination and clinical reasoning.

At the end of the foundation phase you will have a sound working knowledge of healthy domestic animals, with an introduction to the mechanisms of disease. You will be developing independent learning strategies and you will have developed the fundamental personal skills you will require as you move towards learning based more in professional environments.

Clinical phase (years 3 and 4)

The aim of the clinical phase is to build on the foundation phase to provide a broad training in key areas of veterinary professional practice, with a focus on common and important problems and presentations encountered in veterinary work. Realistic scenarios and cases form the basis for integrating clinical aspects of veterinary practice with disease investigation and control measures. The approach emphasises the role of clinical reasoning and planning and you will continue to develop the practical skills and attitudes required to work in the clinical environment and take a greater responsibility for your learning.

At the end of the clinical phase, you will have developed independent learning strategies and the necessary skills to become an active participant of the professional phase clinical team.

Professional phase (year 5)

In your final year there are no lectures and the primary emphasis is on small-group involvement in clinical activity, covering the common species of domestic animals. During this time you will gain first-hand experience and be involved in all aspects of veterinary work in our first opinion practices, local practices linked to the veterinary school and our busy hospitals.

Though this year of the programme is structured so that you will receive clinical experience in core clinical areas, there is also the opportunity to focus on personal interests or explore the breadth of opportunities in the veterinary profession by choosing a 'selective' experience. Selectives may be used to gain experience in niche veterinary activities (such as wildlife, zoo and exotics) or to gain in-depth clinical experience related to core subjects.

Special features

In common with all veterinary students in the UK, you will be required to undertake extra-mural studies (EMS) during your vacation time (total duration determined by the Royal College
of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS)). This encompasses time wherein you gain experience of the management and handling of domestic animals. Upon completion of this preclinical EMS you have to undertake clinical EMS, during which you gain experience working in veterinary professional environments. Satisfactory completion of the EMS requirements set by the RCVS is a requirement for graduation.

The intercalated degree programme represents an opportunity for BVMS students, following their second or third year, to take either one or two years out of the BVMS programme and study for an additional degree programme (both at Bachelors: BSc, BSc Vet Sci (Hons); and Masters levels: MSc, MRes), after which you then re-enter the BVMS programme.

Applicants should be aware that participation in all aspects of the veterinary programme is compulsory. For example, the RCVS Standards and Guidance for the Accreditation of Veterinary Degree Programmes stipulate that the core veterinary curriculum must include visits to abattoirs.

While religious expression and ethical veganism are considered protected characteristics under the Equality Act, and legal exemptions will be taken into account, the Act does not provide a requirement to compromise competence standards in respect of any protected characteristic.

Programme alteration or discontinuation
The University of Glasgow endeavours to run all programmes as advertised. In exceptional circumstances, however, the University may withdraw or alter a programme. For more information, please see: Student contract.

Our international links

Study abroad opportunities are available in all years through participation in compulsory extra-mural studies (see special features). There are also opportunities to study abroad as an integral part of the BVMS programme in Year 5.

We have approved status from the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), which enables you to have the option of practicing in the USA or Canada following graduation, without the need for sitting clinical proficiency examinations. 

Support for NAVLE

The National Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners has established a single common examination for veterinary medical licensure in the United States known as the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE). It is offered three times a year. All students who register an interest are given support with preparing for the NAVLE examination. 

Entry requirements

for entry in 2025

Summary of entry requirements for Veterinary Medicine & Surgery

SQA Higher Entry Requirements (by end of S6)

  • AAAAB Higher at end of S5 + BB Advanced Higher
  • Additional requirements: Highers Chemistry, Biology and Physics or Mathematics. Advanced Higher Chemistry and Biology. Practical experience. Interview.

SQA Higher Adjusted Entry Requirements* (by end of S6)

  • AAABB Higher at end of S5 + BB Advanced Higher 
  • Additional requirements: Highers Chemistry, Biology and Physics or Mathematics. Advanced Higher Chemistry and Biology. Practical experience. Interview. Successful completion of Reach.

* See Access Glasgow for eligibility.

A-level Standard Entry Requirements

  • AAA
  • Additional requirements: A-levels Chemistry and Biology. GCSE English at Grade B or 5. Practical experience. Interview.

IB Standard Entry Requirements

  • 38 (6,6,6 HL)
  • Additional requirements: HL subjects Chemistry and Biology. SL English and Physics or Mathematics at 6. Practical experience. Interview.


Consideration will be given to Graduates who hold, or are predicted to gain a 2:1 (Hons) Science based degree in an appropriate subject, e.g. Zoology, Biology, Animal Science, Biochemistry etc. Candidates with a non-science degree will be considered if they have high grades in Chemistry and Biology at A level or equivalent.


International qualifications

North American Applicants

Academic requirements

The School of Veterinary Medicine welcomes applications from candidates with a degree (or in their senior year) in an appropriate Biological or Animal Science Programme.  All applicants are required to have completed the required prerequisite courses for the programme. Applicants should have an overall minimum grade point average of 3.4 (4 point scale). The School also welcomes applications from candidates with an alternative degree who have also completed the required prerequisites.

USA High School

3 Advanced Placement exams including chemistry, biology and maths/physics at grade 5.

Non-academic requirements

Applicants will be expected to have taken every opportunity to gain relevant practical experience of livestock husbandry and handling animals. In addition we would expect applicants to have shadowed a veterinary surgeon. We do not specify a required amount of work experience as it depends, to some extent, on the opportunities available to individual candidates. Experience gained in veterinary or medical laboratories is also encouraged to help candidates to appreciate the scientific basis of Veterinary Medicine.

The School does not insist on applicants having completed the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), however you may send your GRE scores directly to the School and these will be included in your application file.

How to Apply

Applications for admission should be made through the Veterinary Medical Colleges Admissions System (VMCAS)

We require at least one academic reference and one animal-related experience from all applicants.


You must apply by 15 September through VMCAS in the year before you want to enter the programme. We do not normally offer deferred places.

The Admissions Process

All applicants who are being considered for a place on the veterinary degree programme at Glasgow will be interviewed.  Interviews have previously taken place between November - March on both the East and West Coast of the USA however for the past two years interviews have been conducted by zoom. International interviews will once again take place by zoom.

After interview successful applicants will be contacted as soon as possible and acceptances are required by 15 April.  Following acceptance further detailed information on housing, visa requirements etc are sent to each applicant, and a deposit of £1,000 will be required to hold your place. This deposit is non-refundable, but it will be deducted from your tuition fees on entry. Deposits are required by the beginning of May.


Other overseas applicants

  • Standard academic entry requirements: AAA.
  • Minimum academic entry requirements: N/A.
  • Other mandatory requirements: Must include Chemistry, Biology and a third academic subject. General Studies or Critical Thinking are not accepted as third subjects. English GCSE at a minimum of Grade 5 or Grade B is required.
Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE)
  • 3 elective subjects at grade 5*5* 5 to include Chemistry, Biology and one other elective subject plus grade 4 in core English.
Singapore Polytechnic Diploma
  • We will consider applicants from Singapore Polytechnics who have a diploma in Veterinary Technology/Veterinary Bio-sciences or similar with a GPA of at least 3.4.
Canadian High School Diploma
  • Secondary School Graduation Diploma with minimum of 85% in Year 12 Chemistry and Biology and 80% in Year 12 Maths/Physics and remaining Grade 12 subjects.
Overseas graduates
  • You will need a minimum of a 2:1 honours degree or equivalent, normally in a Biological or Animal Science subject. Candidates with a non-science degree would normally be expected to have gained high grades in Chemistry and Biology at A level or equivalent.
Other overseas graduates
  • In any study programme which you are undertaking we would require high grades in the subjects of Chemistry, Biology and either Maths or Physics studied to a very high level. For entry requirements not listed above please contact vet-admissions@glasgow.ac.uk 
Non-Academic Requirements

Applicants will be expected to have taken every opportunity to gain relevant practical experience of livestock husbandry and handling animals. In addition we would expect applicants to have shadowed a veterinary surgeon. We do not specify a required amount of work experience as it depends, to some extent, on the opportunities available to individual candidates. Experience gained in veterinary or medical laboratories is also encouraged to help candidates to appreciate the scientific basis of Veterinary Medicine.

How to Apply

Applications for entry are made through UCAS (The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service), details can be found at www.ucas.ac.uk. The closing date for applications is 15th October for entry the following year. 

The Admissions Process

Applicants from South East Asia have previously been invited to attend an interview in Hong Kong or Singapore however interviews will be conducted again by zoom between January – March

After interview successful applicants will be contacted as soon as possible. Following acceptance detailed information on housing, visa requirements etc. are sent to each applicant. If the offer is unconditional a deposit of £1000 will be required to hold your place. This deposit is non-refundable but will be deducted from your tuition fees on entry. For conditional offers, confirmation of exam results will be required as soon as possible after they have been published. The offer will then be made unconditional and the deposit will apply. 



Code of Professional Conduct

This Code of Professional Conduct is available:

There will be an opportunity to ask questions about this information during induction week if you are admitted to the Programme.



Veterinary Student Health: Important Information

We are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for disabled students and those with health conditions. One way in which that can be achieved is to find out about your requirements as soon as possible. We also have to be assured that we can help you practise safely in training and in employment.

The School will provide all reasonable support to enable disabled students or those with health conditions to complete their studies. Appropriate support can be provided for many circumstances even if the effects of disability or ill health are substantial and it is important to know that no health condition in itself would automatically preclude a student from studying veterinary medicine and we consider any disability or health condition on an individual basis. However, because of a requirement to ensure patients, clients and colleagues are not harmed through involvement in veterinary training, if you have a condition which would make it impossible for you to work safely with patients, clients or colleagues, or to acquire the skills necessary to complete training, even with adjustments and support, then you cannot be accepted onto the undergraduate veterinary medicine programme.

You should not assume that your disability or health condition will prevent your take-up of a place and we would be pleased to speak with you, in confidence, at the earliest opportunity about any concerns you may have. Please contact the BVMS Admissions Office (details below) for further advice and support about disability,  health, fitness to practise and confidentiality issues or if you have any queries about the Health Screening process.

The University will only refuse a student a place on the grounds of their disability where:

  • the chosen course of study leads to a professional qualification and the relevant professional body has regulations which would preclude membership by people with impairments (see HEOPS guidance below).
  • there are overriding health and safety concerns.
  • in rare circumstances when a necessary reasonable adjustment cannot be made

Please note that it is a requirement of the BVMS programme curriculum that all students are instructed in elements of Public Health. This will involve time in a post-mortem room which is not possible for anyone who is pregnant and can also be a risk for any individuals who are immunocompromised. While the school can and will make reasonable adjustments to reduce risk for such individuals, fulfilling this RCVS requirement may delay or prevent completion of the programme.

Additional information:



Practical Work Experience Requirements

In addition to the academic standard detailed, evidence of motivation is required. It is recommended that applicants to the veterinary programme have a minimum of one week's work experience in a veterinary practice.

Please ensure you complete a work experience form once you have made a UCAS application to Veterinary Medicine.

The form should be completed and uploaded as a pdf on your Applicant Self Service portal by 22 October and we ask that you only upload one sheet and do not duplicate or resubmit this.

Full details regarding your Applicant Self Service portal will be emailed to you upon receipt of your UCAS application. Additional details are available at:



Candidates seriously considered for admission to the BVMS programme will normally be interviewed before a final decision is reached. Members of the Admissions Committee conduct these interviews between December and February each year.

You should be aware that the BVMS programme is heavily over-subscribed. We receive approximately 800 applications each year, and competition is fierce, but despite the demand, we are only able to offer 72 places to UK applicants.

We interview around 250 applicants for the 72 places and offers will be made to less than half of those called for interview.

There are additional full-fees places for graduates, and overseas students. At present, the total yearly intake is approximately 135. We receive around 800 applications from overseas, and we aim to interview around 300.

All applications are considered on merit. Every year we must disappoint many able candidates, although candidates are welcome to reapply, providing they achieve the necessary A-level, Advanced Highers (or equivalent) qualifications. We aim to make the admissions process as fair as possible, with equality of opportunity irrespective of social or racial background, or gender. Candidates are selected based on all-round ability and personal qualities appropriate to a career in veterinary science. Academic capability is important; the programme is long and demanding, and we aim to select individuals who can sustain a demanding study programme.

UK interviews will take place in person at the School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine whilst International & Overseas interviews will take place via zoom. Your application will go through an initial screening based on the information provided on your UCAS form. If we wish to consider your application further, we will send you details to complete an on-line ethical reasoning test. If your test scores are acceptable we will invite you to attend an interview. Most decisions on the outcome of the interview are made by the end of March. This exercise is not necessarily something you can prepare for in advance, but  the scenarios are based on situations you are likely to come across, either in practice or your daily life, and you are asked to state what you would need to consider if you are faced with these circumstances. The test should take about 45 minutes to complete.

There will be two Admissions Panel members present at all interviews which will last approximately 20/25 minutes, with time at the end for any questions you may have. You will be asked about your work experience, either undertaken in person, or virtual, your hobbies and interests and how you plan and cope with your schoolwork.  You should have a good knowledge of the profession as a whole and what would be expected of you as a veterinary surgeon.  We not only assess the breadth of candidates' knowledge of what working with livestock and companion animals and their owners entails, but we also examine personal attributes which demonstrate responsibility, self-motivation, a caring ethos and resilience. We are interested to hear of candidates’ special interests, or hobbies, outside veterinary science. You should be aware of any current topical veterinary issues, so it is advisable to keep up to date with Media information.

The Admissions Committee have an extremely difficult task when selecting candidates for interview, and it is equally difficult, when the applicant pool is so competitive, to be able to give you constructive feedback and for that reason we are unable to provide detailed feedback to any individual applicant, however, I provide below a summary of our admissions process:

  1. Applications are screened in line with our published entry requirements

  2. Candidates complete the on-line test, followed by interview. Offers are then made to the required number of applicants based on interview performance, and the results of the ethical reasoning test.

  3. Additionally, we require to manage the number of students admitted to our programme in line with targets set by the Scottish Government and the Scottish Funding Council.  

The School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine will not respond to enquiries from individuals other than the applicant as the information held is considered personal and confidential. The Admissions Committee review all our applications and their decision is final and cannot be revisited.


Practical experience requirements

In addition to the academic standard detailed, evidence of motivation is required. It is recommended that applicants to the veterinary programme have a minimum of one week’s work experience in a veterinary practice.

The School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine runs a requisite widening participation programme for the recruitment and support of under-represented groups of students; see:

Admissions guidance

Glasgow International College

International students with academic qualifications below those required should contact our partner institution, Glasgow International College, who offer a range of foundation certificates.

English language

For applicants from non-English speaking countries, as defined by the UK Government, the University sets a minimum English Language proficiency level.

English language requirements

International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic module (not General Training)

  • 7.0 with no sub-test under 7.0
  • This must be a recent test: the required score must have been achieved within the last two years at the point we consider your complete application (NMC, 2020)
  • IELTS One Skill Retake accepted.

Pre-sessional courses

The University of Glasgow accepts evidence of the required language level from the English for Academic Study Unit Pre-sessional courses. We also consider other BALEAP accredited pre-sessional courses:


What do I do if...

my language qualifications are below the requirements?

The University's School of Modern Languages and Cultures offers a range of Pre-sessional courses to bring you up to entry level. The course is accredited by BALEAP, the UK professional association for academic English teaching.

my language qualifications are not listed here?

Please contact External Relations

If you require a Tier 4 student visa, your qualification must be one of the secure English language tests accepted by UK Border Agency:

Visa requirements and proof of English language level

It is a visa requirement to provide information on your level of English based on an internationally recognised and secure English language test. All test reports must be no more than 2 years old. A list of these can be found on the UK Border Agency website. If you have never taken one of these tests before, you can get an initial idea of your level by using the Common European Framework self-assessment grid which gives you a level for each skill (e.g. listening B1/writing B2 etc.) However, please note that this is not a secure English language test and it is not sufficient evidence of your level of English for visa requirements.

Further information about English language: School of Modern Languages & Cultures: English for Academic Study

Career prospects

As a graduate of Veterinary Medicine at Glasgow, you can register as a member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (MRCVS). Along with the University’s accreditation by the AVMA, this means that our graduates can choose to work anywhere in the world, and the global opportunities are endless. The majority of registered veterinary surgeons in the UK are in general practice, which may be small animal, farm animal, equine or mixed. Our graduates are also employed in government service, dealing with investigation, control and eradication of important diseases. Others are actively engaged in food hygiene or in university teaching and research.


We are accredited by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education, the Australian Veterinary Boards Council and the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).

Degrees and UCAS codes

When applying you will need to know the UCAS code for the subject or subject-combination that you wish to apply to:


Veterinary Medicine & Surgery: D100 (5 years)
Veterinary Medicine & Surgery (graduate entry): D210 (5 years)

Fees and funding

Tuition fees

How and when you pay tuition fees depends on where you’re from: see Tuition fees for details.


Additional costs: BVMS Students

There are additional costs for students to consider once they embark on the 5-year veterinary programme (BVMS) at the University of Glasgow.

Accommodation and Food

If living away from home the UofG suggests £12,580 per year:

BVMS: 5 years = £62,900


Laptop/computer: £300 - £500

BVMS Kit (£150 - £200)

  • Personal Name Badge: £3
  • Dissection kits: £25
  • Disposable nitrile gloves: £5
  • Practice suture pads: £17
  • Scrub Top: £17
  • Scrub Trousers: £14
  • Parlour Top (long sleeve): £25
  • Parlour Top (short sleeve): £24
  • Waterproof trousers: £18
  • Long Sleeved Lab Coats: £15
  • Boiler Suit: £13 

EMS (Extramural Studies)

Extra-mural placements are an essential element of undergraduate veterinary education. These placements are required by the RCVS (Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons) and accreditation bodies such as the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association). These places are usually conducted out with term time, during Christmas, Easter and Summer breaks. This could preclude students from paid employment during these periods. Students must currently complete a minimum of 30 weeks EMS during their course, which should normally consist of 10 weeks pre-clinical and 20 weeks of clinical placements. These placements can be completed close to home or across the globe. Cost can therefore vary greatly but the School has a small number of travel scholarships to assist with these placements. Some of these placements will offer accommodation, but most students pay for lodgings and food. The range of costs of EMS is £50 to £400 per week.

Final Year Selective

For final year selective provided by the school, the school funds the educational cost and students pay for travel and subsistence. Many campus-based selective placements do not have additional costs, but some external placements with extensive travel and additional accommodation can cost up to £2000. Students are provided with information about the costs of each selective when they make their selective choices in Year 3.


Financial Aid and Loans

for more information on Financial Aid and US Loans see: Student finance.



The University is committed to supporting students and rewarding academic excellence. That's why we've invested more than £1m in additional scholarship funding in recent years.

Jerry and Joanne Haigh Wildlife Research Scholarship

To fund a short research project in emerging diseases in wildlife species in a developing country for eligible candidates. The potential candidates will undergo an application process. 

World Changers RUK Access Bursary

The bursary supports talented students who may not be able to take their place at University for reasons of financial hardship. It is available to new entrant full-time, undergraduate students of the University of Glasgow who are fully registered for the up coming academic session, ordinarily domiciled in England, Wales or Northern Ireland and paying full annual tuition fee.

James McCune Smith Undergraduate Scholarship

The University of Glasgow has up to 30 undergraduate scholarships available for students of African/African-Caribbean backgrounds. The scholarship supports students who could face financial difficulties taking up their place to study at the university. The value of the scholarship is £2,000, paid in instalments for year one of undergraduate study. The scholarship is open to new applicants to the university for 2025 entry. Current students who have previously been in receipt of the award may reapply, however, preference will be given to applicants entering their first year of study.

Care Experienced and Estranged Student Bursary

The University of Glasgow is offering five bursaries specifically for Care Experienced and Estranged Students. These bursaries aim to support students who have been in care or are living independently due to family estrangement. Definitions of these terms are provided below, and further details are available here.

Care Experienced
"Care-experienced" refers to anyone who has ever been in care, regardless of the duration. This includes individuals who have been in the care of a local authority at any stage, whether through residential care, foster care, kinship care, or under a supervision requirement at home. This category also includes those who have been adopted from care.

Estranged students are young people studying independently without family support due to a breakdown in family relationships. These students often have limited or no contact with their families, and any contact that does occur is usually infrequent or strained. Causes of estrangement may include emotional or physical abuse, conflicting family expectations, personality clashes, or differing values.

Each bursary is typically valued at £1,500 per year for each consecutive year of the degree programme.


Undergraduate Talent Scholarships

The University of Glasgow is awarding c.50 undergraduate Talent Scholarships to support students who could face financial difficulties in taking up their place to study at the University for 2025 entry. The value of each scholarship is typically £1,500 p.a. for each year of the degree programme, subject to satisfactory progress. Talent Scholarships are available to students entering any of the University's Colleges.

Dental School students are eligible for a Talent Scholarship in their first year of study only. They are eligible for the NHS Dental Student Support Grant in the following years.

Cowrie Foundation Scholarship

The University of Glasgow and The Cowrie Scholarship Foundation (CSF) will offer a scholarship to support Black African and Caribbean heritage applicants from socio-economically challenged backgrounds.  Applicants must be ordinarily resident in the UK and commencing an undergraduate study programme. 

The Cowrie Scholarship Foundation wants to fund 100 Black British students through UK universities in the next decade. More information on the Foundation can be found here.

The Clan Gregor Society Prize

The Clan Gregor Society is offering an award to current students to the University of Glasgow who descend from Clan Gregor. Students will be asked to submit an application highlighting areas of consideration such as academic excellence and financial need. The award is open to both Undergraduate and Postgraduate applicants who joined us for 2024/245 entry.

The Dima Alhaj Scholarship

The Dima Alhaj Scholarship was set up in 2024 in memory of a University of Glasgow alumna.  After graduating, Dima worked in Gaza with the World Health Organization as a patient administrator at the limb reconstruction centre, as part of the trauma and emergency team and was tragically killed in Gaza in November 2023.  The Scholarship is open to a Palestinian National who is living in or has been forced to leave the State of Palestine due to humanitarian reasons. The chosen applicant may be domiciled in any country but must be a Palestinian National.  The scholarship is open to prospective undergraduate and postgraduate taught applicants to the University of Glasgow applying for entry in September 2025/26.

Sanctuary Scholarships

The University of Glasgow is offering up to 30 Sanctuary Scholarships for applicants to the University, who have been forced to travel to the UK for humanitarian reasons and are facing challenges in progressing onto Higher Education. The scholarship is open to prospective undergraduate and postgraduate taught students at the University of Glasgow applying for entry in September 2025/26. Please note that you must have applied to the University before submitting an application for this scholarship.

The scholarship will meet the cost of tuition fees for the duration of your programme, for applicants who are unable to access mainstream funding through Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS) or Student Finance. The Sanctuary Scholarship also provides a £5,000 per year stipend, to assist with study costs. In addition, if the eligibility criteria for university accommodation is met, this will also be provided for the duration of your degree, if required. For more information on the accommodation criteria, please see the Accommodation Services section on the website.

Undergraduate students with refugee status (or equivalent) and access to funding, are eligible to apply for the scholarship and would receive the £5,000 stipend towards study costs only, if successful.

Postgraduate Taught Masters students with refugee status (or equivalent) and access to funding, are eligible to apply for the scholarship and would receive the £5,000 stipend towards study costs and a partial tuition fee waiver, to cover any shortfall not met by your Postgraduate Masters tuition fee loan.

Travel Bursary for Forced Migrants

The University of Glasgow is offering travel bursaries to assist with public transport travel costs, to support undergraduate and postgraduate students are currently asylum seekers and who could face financial difficulties in taking up their place to study at the University for 2025 entry. The value of the bursary is 50% of your monthly public transport travel costs to get to University, up to a maximum value of £50 per month.

Glasgow Highland Society Scholarship

The University of Glasgow is excited to promote this scholarship opportunity on behalf of the Glasgow Highland Society. 

The Glasgow Highland Society is offering multiple grants of up to £500 for new and continuing students of Glasgow university who fit the eligibility requirements of the scholarship

The scholarships above are relevant to this programme. For more funding opportunities search the scholarships database

How to apply

Full-time students must apply through the Universities & Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). 

International students. Applications to Dentistry, Education, Medicine, and Veterinary Medicine must be made through UCAS.

Application deadlines

  • 16 October: if including Dentistry, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine or also applying to Oxford or Cambridge
  • 31 January: all other UK/EU applicants (unless otherwise stated on the UCAS website)
  • 30 June: international (non-EU) students

We do not usually accept any applications after these deadlines.

It's your responsibility to ensure the accuracy of your application before submission. Requests to correct application content, change degree programme or change college of entry, will not be accepted after these deadlines. This policy is in place to ensure fairness and consistency to all applicants, and no exceptions will be made.

  • Apply at www.ucas.com or through your school or college
  • Contact UCAS on 0871 468 0468

All applications must be received by UCAS by 15 October. If applying to the BVMS programme you must limit your choice to four veterinary schools only.

If you apply to more than four veterinary schools, your application will not be forwarded to institutions by UCAS. The University is unable to offer applicants deferred entry. 

Applicants from North America

Applications for admission should be made through the Veterinary Medical Colleges Admissions System (VMCAS) by 15 September in the year before you want to enter the programme. We require at least one academic reference and one animal-related experience from all applicants.

Apply via UCAS

More information about this programme


2nd in UK

Times & Sunday Times Good University Guide [Veterinary Medicine]

Times Good university guide

Times Good university guide
2nd in UK

Times & Sunday Times Good University Guide [Veterinary Medicine]