Venue: Sir Charles Wilson Lecture Theatre

Date & Time: Monday May 8th, 6pm

Scotland voted very differently from England & Wales in the EU referendum.  As a result it finds itself being required to leave the EU even though a majority of its voters wanted to remain. Meanwhile, this divergent outcome has added a new twist to the debate about independence and, following disagreement between the UK and Scottish governments over the kind of Brexit that the UK should seek to negotiate, has led the Scottish Parliament to call for a second referendum on independence.

But how strongly committed are voters in Scotland to the EU? To what extent do they want a different kind of Brexit from their counterparts south of the border? And what impact has the debate about Brexit had on attitudes towards Scottish independence? John Curtice will present the latest evidence on the answers to these vital questions about Scotland's future and the prospects for the forthcoming general election.

Speaker: Professor John Curtice, University of Strathclyde and The Stevenson Trust for Citizenship

All are welcome.  No advance booking is necessary.

First published: 2 May 2017