Past events

Talking Numbers

Mathematical busking street-show - usually taking place in public spaces to a varied audience, seeks to surprise and engage passers-by with routines ingrained with mathematical themes reaching audiences not usually exposed to mathematics through traditional channels.The Maclaurin Society held an event on Tuesday 17th March entitled “Talking Numbers” where informal short talks were given on a wide range of mathematical and statistical topics, to which Andrew Wilson brought his mathematical busking street-show to the proceedings.  Mathematical busking, usually taking place in public spaces to a varied audience, seeks to surprise and engage passers-by with routines ingrained with mathematical themes reaching audiences not usually exposed to mathematics through traditional channels.  At this event, onlookers and volunteers were tied-up with topology and bamboozled with braids during their break from the varied programme. 

“An afternoon in low-dimensions, Glasgow” workshop

An algebraic snapshot of topology - “Geometric information can sometimes be better understood by translating it into algebra. This backboard captures that process – key to understanding phenomena in low-dimensions – on a three-dimensional space. Pure mathematics is a science of how we think; this process is illustrative of how gains can be made by thinking about structure differently.Liam Watson held a workshop on Friday 20th March entitled "An afternoon in low-dimensions, Glasgow". The aim of this workshop was to study some aspects of low-dimensional topology, through the lens of invariants like Khovanov homology and Heegaard Floer theory. With emphasis on context and background, postgraduates were strongly encouraged to participate. 

Forthcoming events

LMS 150th Anniversary workshop on Homotopical Algebra and Geometry

Andy Baker, Gwyn Bellamy and postgraduate student Ana Rovi are all giving talks at the workshop on Homotopical Algebra and Geometry between Wednesday 8th and Saturday 11th April 2015 at Lancaster University. Further information is available at:

8th Annual University Learning and Teaching Conference

Ian Strachan, Tara Brendle and Andrew Wilson will be speaking at the University's 8th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference on Tuesday 14th April 2015. The title of the presentation is "Online assessment and feedback: how to square the circle" and will outline our use of online assessment methods, scanning technology and conventional marking, integrated with the University's SharePoint system, to improve the quality and quantity of feedback to students.

The programme, together with abstracts and registration form can be found at: 

The Scottish Combinatorics Meeting 2015

Kitty Meeks will host “The Scottish Combinatorics Meeting 2015” in the School on Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th April 2015.  More information, including speakers and abstracts is now available at:

The meeting will cover a wide range of topics broadly related to combinatorics, and the speakers have been asked to make their talks accessible to a general mathematical audience.  Everyone in the School is warmly invited to any or all of the event; if you do intend to come, please email , and in particular please register by 31st March if you would like lunch or morning/afternoon refreshments on either day.

Solving big data challenges from modern science through statistical modelling

Mayetri Gupta and Surajit Ray are co-organising an international workshop at ICMS, Edinburgh from Tuesday 5th to Friday 8th May 2015 entitled "Solving big data challenges from modern science through statistical modelling".  The workshop is part of the EPSRC-DST Indo-UK Initiative in Applied Mathematics, and is funded jointly by EPSRC and DST (India). Further information is available at:

Integrability in algebra, geometry and physics: new trends

Misha Feigin is co-organising the conference "Integrability in algebra, geometry and physics:  new trends" which will be held in July 2015 at Congressi Stefano Franscini in Switzerland, the meeting platform of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Zurich (ETH Zurich). The conference is also the occasion to celebrate the 60th birthday of A. Veselov.

First published: 30 March 2015