Johannis Bernoulli's Opera Omnia

During an audit, there was a recent discovery of some historical books within the School library. The first is Johannis Bernoulli’s Opera Omnia (right), which was published in 1742. It’s a beautiful two volume set that includes pages of tables that were hand-pasted into the bound book. It was clearly a popular book as the University owns a few copies of this book, but it’s certainly exciting to see another copy.

Cayley's Collected Mathematical Papers

The really special find is an eight volume set of Cayley's Collected Mathematical Papers. They are a first edition, given by Cayley himself to Lord Kelvin. The set is signed by Lord Kelvin, who presented them to the Mathematics library on 17th September 1906. The image to the left depicts Lord Kelvin at his last lecture at the University in 1899.

Einstein's first lecture

Also discovered were two copies of a book from Albert Einstein's first lecture on the George A. Gibson Foundation in the University of Glasgow. It was delivered on 20th June 1933 and titled "The Origins of the General Theory of Relativity".‌ ‌

Some of these books are now on display in our foyer.‌

First published: 30 March 2015