Gwyn Bellamy - Early Career Researcher reward for excellence

Gwyn has been awarded an Early Career Researcher reward for excellence prize by the College of Science & Engineering, University of Glasgow. The money will be used to fund a problem solving workshop on "Symplectic Representation Theory" at the University of Glasgow in June 2015. World experts in the subject will be invited to Glasgow to work on the major open problems in this area. 

Misha Feigin - Staff Mobility Grant

Misha was awarded an Erasmus staff mobility grant to visit our partner university della Calabria (Italy). Misha is going to visit the partner for one week in April 2015 to give a mini-course for postgraduate students. Della Calabria is also starting to accept our honours students for summer project placements and we hope to keep strengthening our links with the University.

Marian Scott - £1.4m EPSRC grant for water, energy and food systems research

The School has recieved £1.4m from the EPSRC to tackle the growing demands for water, energy and food. Marian will lead the project in partnership with researchers from the Universities of Exeter, Newcastle and Oxford, University College London, Imperial College London, the School of Oriental & African Studies and Rothamsted Research. 

The project is one of three funded by £4.5m from EPSRC’s Living with Environmental Change sandpit to support multidisciplinary groups of scientists, with additional support from STFC’s Scientific Computing Department. The other projects are led by the University of Manchester and the University of Southampton. Further information about the project can be found here.

Peter Stewart - SET for Britain 2015

Peter attended the SET for BRITAIN 2015 event, held at Westminster (Portcullis House) on Monday 9th March 2015. The event comprised a poster presentation by 90 early career Mathematicians and Engineers, which were judged by a panel of experts. The event was attended by a large number of current MPs including the Chairman, Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, Andrew Miller MP. Peter had opportunity to discuss his research with several MPs, including the local constituency MP for the University area, Ann McKechin MP, and he was able to highlight the exciting research being conducted across the University of Glasgow, but especially in Mathematics and Statistics.

The Mathematics Medal was won by Dr Peter Buchak (Imperial College London), with a poster entitled `Lighting the path: The mathematics of Imaginary numbers in very real problems of holey optical fibre fabrication'. The overall competition was won by Mr Robert Woodward (Physics, Imperial College London) with a poster entitled `Exploiting nanomaterials for ultrafast photonics'.

Overall, Peter thoroughly enjoyed participating in the SET for Britain event and made several new contacts amongst those in attendance.

Liam Watson - College Photography competition entry given Honourable mention

An algebraic snapshot of topology - “Geometric information can sometimes be better understood by translating it into algebra. This backboard captures that process – key to understanding phenomena in low-dimensions – on a three-dimensional space. Pure mathematics is a science of how we think; this process is illustrative of how gains can be made by thinking about structure differently.Liam submitted an image to the College Photography competition. Liam’s image was given an Honourable mention by the Head of College. Liam’s description of the image is as follows:

An algebraic snapshot of topology - “Geometric information can sometimes be better understood by translating it into algebra. This backboard captures that process – key to understanding phenomena in low-dimensions – on a three-dimensional space. Pure mathematics is a science of how we think; this process is illustrative of how gains can be made by thinking about structure differently. 

First published: 30 March 2015