BD FACSAria Cell Sorters

The Facility offers a cell sorting service.

We have a BD FACSAria IIU, and a BD FACSAria III high speed cell sorter. These provide sterile, high purity multi colour sorts.

Both instrument configurations are identical, with four lasers each: Violet (405nm),Blue (488mn), Red (640nm) and Yellow Green (561nm) and 18 fluorescence parameters.

The machines sort a range of particle sizes into a maximum of 4 separate populations, into microtitre or cell culture plates or into tubes. Cells can be sorted in a sterile environment enabling the recovered cells to be cultured. This allows selective sorting for cloning, or enrichment of populations. We also sort to purify cell populations prior to PCR amplification, or for protein analysis. Filter and mirror changes can easily be made to customise the optical array for non standard experiments.

Data is acquired through BD FACSDiVaTM digital software.

To book a Sort please contact the Flow Core Facility Manager to discuss your requirements. Time on the sorter is at a premium. You are advised to make a booking several weeks in advance of your planned sort date.

Applications : Sorting of cells, parasites, etc based on multi colour phenotypic markers, DNA /cell cycle analysis, DNA dye exclusion (side populations), expression of fluorescent proteins, clonal sorts ,Index sorting, Single cell sorting for RNA seq etc.

Aria Base Configuration