Education Leadership and Policy

Education Leadership and Policy

The Education Leadership and Policy (ELP) Research and Teaching Group examines the role of leadership and policy making in equitable education systems and the socioeconomic impact of education globally. The group has expertise in comparative and international education; educational improvement and system change; governance and public policy; educational leadership; childhood practice; and labour market and socio-economic impacts of education.

This expertise is deployed in several key domains of research and engagement. In particular, educational change, equity and collaborative improvement (Ainscow, CampbellChapman, ConstantinidesCowhittHall, Lowden); leadership, management and governance in education and public policy (Black, Boyle, Campbell, Conroy, Constantinides, ChapmanDimmock, FontdevilaHarvie, Kerrigan, McMahon, McQuade, Mitchell, MurphyOrr, Savage, Sorensen, Vanderhoven); childhood practice (Black, Boyle, McQuadeOrr); comparative education and global educational development (Ainscow, Brown, DagarDimmock, EvangelistaHermannsson, KimNesterova, Odena, Read, Schweisfurth, ThomasValiente); economic and social impacts of secondary, technical and vocational and adult education (Boeren, DagarCapsada-Munsech, SavageVanderhovenValiente), and higher education (Capsada-Munsech, EvangelistaHermannsson, Lee, MulveyParker, Read, Thomas).

Members of the group regularly advise on education policy and practice. For instance, Professor Chris Chapman has been seconded as Senior Academic Adviser to the Scottish Government’s Learning Directorate and serves on the First Minister’s International Council of Education Advisors.