GLACIER seminar series - spring semester 2025
Published: 7 January 2025
Difficult decisions in comparative and international educational research: Practices, dilemmas, and strategies
This research seminar series is aimed at researchers/academic staff as well as PGR and PGT students interested in the fields of comparative and international education, policy studies, and international development.
We seek to create a space for academic exchange on the practices of comparative and international education (CIE) research, probing into the dilemmas and tensions that arise throughout the various stages of a study - from the initial identification of research questions, through fieldwork, to the selection of dissemination outlets and impact activities. The seminar series aims to encourage reflection on critical and ethical decisions made in CIE research, highlighting challenges and ‘difficult decisions’ along with the strategies used to navigate them – as well as the roads not taken and missed opportunities. The series thus aims to foster an inclusive space to discuss real-life experiences with the messiness of research practices, and the lessons learned from successes as well as setbacks.
The research seminars have a duration of 1 hour. Each session will feature an invited speaker delivering a presentation for a maximum of 30 minutes. Presenters are encouraged to discuss a specific study or research project they have been involved in, identifying one or two critical decisions, dilemmas, or tensions they encountered over the course of the research. A PGR student will then make a connection to the presentation and ask the first question, after which we will open it up to the audience for Q&A.
This research seminar series is organised by GLACIER – the Glasgow Comparative and International Education Research network – with support from the School of Education.
The GLACIER seminars will take place on Wednesdays from 15.30 to 16.30 in Room 234 of the St. Andrew’s Building. All seminars will occur in person and will not be recorded or live-streamed.
Details of each seminar and registration links can be found here.
First published: 7 January 2025
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