Education Leadership and Policy

Education Leadership and Policy

The Education Leadership and Policy (ELP) group of the School of Education examines the role of leadership and policy making in equitable education systems and the social and economic impacts of education locally and globally.

Staff expertise is deployed through research, teaching, and engagement in the following areas:

  • Adult higher education
  • Childhood practice (i.e., leadership in non-compulsory education and care)
  • Comparative education and global educational development
  • Education and culture
  • Education for democracy, sustainability, and peacebuilding
  • Educational change and collaborative improvement
  • Leadership, management, and governance in education
  • Social and economic impacts of education policies, programs, and practices
  • Teachers and teaching
  • Technical and vocational education and training

Members of the group regularly advise on education policy and practice for international organisations, national and local governments, and third sector partners.