Vihar Georgiev, COSE

Published: 17 April 2020

Vihar Georgiev, Senior Lecturer (Electronic & Nanoscale Engineering), COSE

What made you apply for the Glasgow Crucible?

My main motivation for apply was the opportunity to meet new people from different parts of the university. The Crucible was an excellent event to expand my network beyond my colleagues in the School of Engineering.  Also, I wanted to obtain more broad range of skills and explore new for me topics and areas.

What did you enjoy most about the event? 

The Creative workshop which was for two days in location outside of the university. Until now, for me, this event was the most useful workshop in my whole carrier so far because it gave me a different prospective and directions how to think about creativity and how people can be creative. 

What direct impact (if any) did the Crucible have on your research?

The direct impact is the connections which I made with people and I am hoping to write grants and have projects with some of my colleagues that I met during the Crucible.

Why should other ECRs apply to attend this event?

Because it gives you very broad range of knowledge and skills which are outside of our ‘normal’ background as a scientist and researcher.

First published: 17 April 2020