Dear Colleagues,

The University is currently considering its approach to examinations, to ensure we are planning the forthcoming diets in a way that ensures academic integrity, is sustainable for the organisation and meets the needs and expectations of students and colleagues.

This work is being led by the Exam Sustainability Project (ESP), which reports to the University’s Senior Management Group (SMG) and into Education Policy and Strategy Committee (EdPSC).

Due to several factors, including the need for space to accommodate more graduation ceremonies, a growing engagement with online assessment approaches, and the wider range of course combinations, on-campus exams cannot be accommodated in the same way they were prior to the pandemic.

Because of this, we are again preparing for a mixed approach, which includes some exams taking place in-person and some online. The following updates you on our planning so far.

December 2022

It remains the case that, for the upcoming December exam diet, Schools are encouraged to continue to hold exams online where academic integrity can be assured.

Preferences for in-person exams will be facilitated as far as possible, but cannot be guaranteed. There will be a process to prioritise and accommodate as many in-person exam requests as possible, as was the case for the Spring 2022 diet.

Criteria for determining which exams can take place on-campus will be published shortly on the ESP website, and we will communicate these to colleagues when they are available.

We have published a timeline for the various stages of the December exam diet, which should assist colleagues when providing students with information about their exams.

Spring 2023 and beyond

To inform longer-term planning, we are seeking information on Schools’ plans for exams in the coming two years. This input is valuable in helping us understand what combination of in-person exams, online exams and alternatives to exams Schools would prefer. We will be circulating a questionnaire to Schools soon to inform this work.

We will continue to communicate with both colleagues and students over the coming weeks, as we progress in our planning for the Winter 2022 exam diet and beyond.

In the meantime, should you have any questions, please contact

With best wishes,

Moira & Martin

Professor Moira Fischbacher-Smith

Vice-Principal, Learning & Teaching

Professor Martin Hendry

Clerk of Senate and Vice-Principal, Academic Services


First published: 7 October 2022