The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 149 versoBackBACKBackF149r Folio 149 recto   Folio 150 recto F150r

7649   He nolde no thyng love you so,
7650   Ne callen you his freende Also,
7651   But nyght and day he wole wake,
7652   The castell to distroie and take,
7653   If it were soth as ye devise;
7654   Or some man in some maner wise
7655   Might it warne hym everydele,
7656   Or by hym silf pceyven wele;
7657   ffor sith he myght not come and gone
7658   As he was whilom wont to done,
7659   He myght it sone wite and see;
7660   But now all other wise wote he.
7661   Thanne have, sir, al outerly
7662   Deserved helle, and Iolyly
7663   The deth of helle douteles,
7664   That thrallen folk so giltles.'
7665   Falssemblant proveth so this thing
7666   That he can noon Answeryng,
7667   And seth alwey such Apparaunce,
7668   That nygh he fel in repentaunce,
7669   And seide hym: 'sir, it may wel be.
7670   Semblant, a good man semen ye;
7671   And, abstinence, full wise ye seme;
7672   Of o talent you bothe I deme.