The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 149 rectoBackBACKBackF148v Folio 148 verso   Folio 149 verso F149v

7625   He preseth not so ofte, that ye
7626   Ought of his come encombred be;
7627   Ther presen other folk on yow
7628   ffull ofter than he doth now.
7629   And if his herte hym streyned so
7630   Unto the Rose forto go,
7631   Ye shulde hym sene so ofte nede,
7632   That ye shulde take hym with the dede.
7633   He cowde his comyng not forbere,
7634   Though he hym thrilled with a spere;
7635   I ner not thanne as it is now.
7636   But trustith wel, I swere it yow,
7637   That it is clene out of his thought.
7638   Sir, certis, he ne thenkith it nought;
7639   No more ne doth faire welcomyng,
7640   That sore abieth al this thing.
7641   And if they were of oon Assent,
7642   ffull soone were the Rose hent;
7643   The maugre youres wolde be.
7644   And sir, of o thing herkeneth me:
7645   Sith ye this man, that loveth yow,
7646   Han seid such harme and shame now,
7647   Witeth wel, if he gessed it,
7648   Ye may wel demen in youre wit,