The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 150 rectoBackBACKBackF149v Folio 149 verso

7673   What counceil wole ye to me yeven?'
7674   'Ryght heere anoon thou shalt be shryven,
7675   And sey thy synne withoute more;
7676   Of this shalt thou repent sore;
7677   ffor I am prest, and have pouste
7678   To shryve folk of most dignyte
7679   That ben, as wide as world may dure.
7680   Of all this world I have the cure,
7681   And that hadde never yit persoun,
7682   Ne vicarie of no maner toun.
7683   And, god wote, I have of thee
7684   A thosand tyme more pitee
7685   Than hath thi preest parochial,
7686   Though he thy freend be special.
7687   I have avauntage, in o wise,
7688   That youre prelatis ben not so wise
7689   Ne half so lettred as am I.
7690   I am licenced boldely
7691   To reden in divinite
7692   And longe have red