The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 148 versoBackBACKBackF148r Folio 148 recto   Folio 149 recto F149r

7601   Ryght so seide I, and wole seye yit;
7602   I trowe, I lied not of it;
7603   And with my bemes I wole blowe
7604   To alle neighboris Arowe,
7605   How he hath bothe comen and gone.'
7606   Tho spake falssemblant right Anone,
7607   'All is not gospel, oute of doute,
7608   That men seyn in the towne Aboute;
7609   Ley no deef ere to my spekyng;
7610   I swere yow, sir, it is gabbyng!
7611   I trowe ye wote wel certeynly,
7612   That no man loveth hym tenderly
7613   That seith hym harme, if he wote it,
7614   All be he never so pore of wit.
7615   And soth is also sikerly,
7616   This knowe ye, sir, as wel as I,
7617   That lovers gladly wole visiten
7618   The places there her loves habiten.
7619   This man yow loveth and eke honoureth;
7620   This man to serve you laboureth;
7621   And clepith you his freend so deere,
7622   And this man makith you good chere,
7623   And every where that you meteth,
7624   He yow saloweth, and he you greteth.