The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 147 versoBackBACKBackF147r Folio 147 recto   Missing Missing

7359   Or elles walken forth disgised.
7360   But at the last they devysed,
7361   That they wolde gone in tapinage,
7362   As it were in a pilgrimage,
7363   Lyke good and hooly folk unfeyned.
7364   And dame abstinence streyned
7365   Toke on a robe of kamelyne,
7366   And gan hir gracche as a bygynne.
7367   A large coverechief of threde
7368   She wrapped all aboute hir heede,
7369   But she forgate not hir sawter;
7370   A peire of bedis eke she bere
7371   Upon a lace, all of white threde,
7372   On which that she hir bedes bede;
7373   But she ne bought hem never a dele,
7374   ffor they were geven her, I wote wele,
7375   God wote, of a full hooly frere,
7376   That seide he was hir fadir dere,
7377   To whom she hadde ofter went
7378   Than ony frere of his covent.
7379   And he visited hir Also,
7380   And many a sermoun seide hir to;
7381   He nolde lette, for man on lyve,
7382   That he ne wolde hir ofte shryve.