The Romaunt of the Rose
MissingBackF147v Folio 147 verso   Missing Missing
This image taken from the Thynne printed edition


7383   And with so gret devocion
7384   They maden her confession,
7385   That they had ofte, for the nones,
7386   Two hedes in one hood at ones.
7387   Of fair shape I devyse her thee,
7388   But pale of face somtyme was she;
7389   That false traitouresse untrewe
7390   Was lyk that salowe hors of hewe,
7391   That in the Apocalips is shewed,
7392   That signifyeth tho folk beshrewed,
7393   That been al ful of trecherye,
7394   And pale, thurgh hypocrisye;
7395   For on that hors no colour is,
7396   But only deed and pale, y-wis.
7397   Of suche a colour enlangoured
7398   Was Abstinence, y-wis, coloured;
7399   Of her estat she her repented,
7400   As her visage represented.
7401   She had a burdoun al of Thefte,
7402   That Gyle had yeve her of his yefte;
7403   And a scrippe of Fainte Distresse,
7404   That ful was of elengenesse,
7405   And forth she walked sobrely:
7406   And False-Semblant saynt, ie vous die,