The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 146 versoBackBACKBackF146r Folio 146 recto   Folio 147 recto F147r

7311   I take youre silf to recorde heere,
7312   That men ne may, in no manere,
7313   Teren the wolf out of his hide,
7314   Til he be slain, bak and side,
7315   Though men hym bete and alto defile;
7316   What? wene ye that I wole bigile?
7317   ffor I am clothed mekely,
7318   Ther undir is all my trechery;
7319   Myn herte chaungith never the mo
7320   ffor noon abit, in which I go.
7321   Though I have chere of symplenesse,
7322   I am not wery of shrewidnesse.
7323   Myn lemman, streyneth Abstinence,
7324   Hath myster of my purveaunce;
7325   She hadde ful longe ago be deede,
7326   Nere my councel and my rede;
7327   Lete hir allone, and you and me.'
7328   And love answerde, 'I trust thee
7329   Without borowe, for I wole noon.'
7330   And falssemblant, the theef, Anoon,
7331   Ryght in that ilke same place,
7332   That hadde of tresoun al his face
7333   Ryght blak withynne, and white withoute,
7334   Thankith hym, gan on his knees loute.