The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 146 rectoBackBACKBackF145v Folio 145 verso   Folio 146 verso F146v

7191   And all with antecrist they holden,
7192   As men may in the book biholden.
7193   And thanne comaunden they to sleen
7194   Alle tho that with petre been;
7195   But they shal nevere have that myght,
7196   And, god toforne, for strif to fight,
7197   That they ne shal ynough fynde
7198   That petres lawe shal have in mynde,
7199   And evere holde, and so mayntene,
7200   That at the last it shal be sene
7201   That they shal all come therto,
7202   ffor ought that they can speke or do.
7203   And thilk lawe shal not stonde,
7204   That they by Iohn have undirstonde;
7205   But, maugre hem, it shal Adowne,
7206   And bene brought to confusioun.
7303   Hadde never youre fadir heere biforne
7304   Servaunt so trewe, sith he was borne.'
7305   'That is ayens all nature.'
7306   'Sir, putte you in that Aventure;
7307   ffor though ye borowes take of me,
7308   The sikerer shal ye never be
7309   ffor ostages, ne sikirnesse,
7310   Or chartres, forto bere witnesse.