The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 144 versoBackBACKBackF144r Folio 144 recto   Folio 145 recto F145r

7263   Take all her londis and her thingis,
7264   Bothe werre and pees, in governyngis;
7265   To such folk shulde a prince hym yive,
7266   That wolde his lyf in honour lyve.
7267   And if they be not as they seme,
7268   That serven thus the world to queme,
7269   There wolde I dwelle, to disceyve
7270   To folk, for they shal not pceyve.
7271   'But I ne speke in no such wise,
7272   That men shulde humble abit dispise,
7273   So that no pride ther undir be.
7274   No man shulde hate, as thynkith me,
7275   The pore man in sich clothyng.
7276   But god ne preisith hym no thing,
7277   That seith he hath the world forsake,
7278   And hath to worldly glorie hym take,
7279   And wole of siche delices use;
7280   Who may that begger wel excuse?
7281   That papelard, that hym yeldith so,
7282   And wole to worldly ese go,
7283   And seith that he the world hath lefte,
7284   And gredily it grypeth efte,
7285   He is the hounde, shame is to seyn,
7286   That to his castyng goth Ageyn.