The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 145 rectoBackBACKBackF144v Folio 144 verso   Folio 145 verso F145v

7287   'But unto you dar I not lye:
7288   But myght I felen or Aspie,
7289   That ye pceyved it no thyng,
7290   Ye shulde have a stark lesyng
7291   Right in youre honde thus, to bigynne,
7292   I nolde it lette for no synne.'
7293   The god lough at the wondir tho,
7294   And every wight gan laugh Also,
7295   And seide: 'Lo heere a man Aright
7296   fforto be trusty to every wight!'
7297   'Falssemblant,' quod love, 'sey to me,
7298   Sith I thus have avaunced thee,
7299   That in my court is thi dwellyng,
7300   And of ribawdis shalt be my kyng,
7301   Wolt thou wel holden my forwordis?'
7302   'Yhe, sir, from hens forewardis;
7159   We wole a puple upon hym Areyse,
7160   And thurgh oure gile done hym seise,
7161   And hym on sharpe speris ryve,
7162   Or other weyes brynge hym fro lyve,
7163   But if that he wole folowe, iwis,
7164   That in oure book writen is.
7165   Thus mych wole oure book signifie,
7166   That while petre hath maistrie,