The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 144 rectoBackBACKBackF143v Folio 143 verso   Folio 144 verso F144v

7239   Whom shulden folk worshipen so
7240   But us, that stynten never mo
7241   To patren while that folk may us see,
7242   Though it not so bihynde be?
7243   'And where is more wode folye,
7244   Than to enhaunce chyvalrie,
7245   And love noble men and gay,
7246   That Ioly clothis weren Alway?
7247   If they be sich folk as they semen,
7248   So clene, as men her clothis demen,
7249   And that her wordis folowe her dede,
7250   It is gret pite, out of drede,
7251   ffor they wole be noon ypocritis!
7252   Of hym, me thynketh gret spite is;
7253   I can not love hym on no side.
7254   But beggers with these hodes wide,
7255   With sleight and pale faces lene,
7256   And grey clothis not full clene,
7257   But fretted full of tatarwagges,
7258   And high shoos, knopped with dagges,
7259   That frouncen lyke a quaile pipe,
7260   Or botis revelyng as a gype;
7261   To such folk as I you dyvyse
7262   Shulde princes and these lordis wise