6949 Yhe, sikerly, though he it feyned,
6950 Or that hym list, or that hym deyned
6951 A man thurgh hym avaunced be;
6952 Therof all pceners be we,
6953 And tellen folk, where so we go,
6954 That man thurgh us is sprongen so.
6955 And forto have of men preysyng,
6956 We purchace, thurgh oure flateryng,
6957 Of riche men, of gret pouste,
6958 Lettres, to witnesse oure bounte;
6959 So that man weneth, that may us see,
6960 That all vertu in us be.
6961 And alwey pore we us feyne;
6962 But how so that we begge or pleyne,
6963 We ben the folk, without lesyng,
6964 That all thing have without havyng.
6965 Thus be we dred of the puple, iwis.
6966 And gladly my purpos is this:
6967 I dele with no wight, but he
6968 Have gold and tresour gret plente;
6969 Her acqueyntaunce wel love I;
6970 This is moche my desire, shortly.
6971 I entremete me of brokages,
6972 I make pees and mariages,