The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 139 versoBackBACKBackF139r F139r   Folio 140 recto F140r

6973   I am gladly executour,
6974   And many tymes a procuratour;
6975   I am somtyme messager;
6976   That fallith not to my myster.
6977   And many tymes I make enquestes;
6978   ffor me that office not honest is;
6979   To dele with other mennes thing,
6980   That is to me a gret lykyng.
6981   And if that ye have ought to do
6982   In place that I repeire to,
6983   I shal it speden thurgh my witt,
6984   As soone as ye have told me it.
6985   So that ye serve me to pay,
6986   My servyse shal be youre Alway.
6987   But who so wole chastise me,
6988   Anoon my love lost hath he;
6989   ffor I love no man in no gise,
6990   That wole me repreve or chastise;
6991   But I wolde al folk undirtake,
6992   And of no wight no teching take;
6993   ffor I, that other folk chastie,
6994   Wole not be taught fro my folie.
6995   'I love noon hermitage more;
6996   All desertes, and holtes hore,