The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 138 versoBackBACKBackF138r Folio 138 recto   Folio 139 recto F139r

6925   We hate hym deedly everichone,
6926   And we wole werrey hym, as oon.
6927   Hym that oon hatith, hate we Alle,
6928   And congecte hou to done hym falle.
6929   And if we seen hym wynne honour,
6930   Richesse or preis, thurgh his valour,
6931   Provende, rent, or dignyte,
6932   ffull fast, iwys, compassen we
6933   Bi what ladder he is clomben so;
6934   And forto maken hym doun to go,
6935   With traisoun we wole hym defame,
6936   And done hym leese his good name.
6937   Thus from his ladder we hym take,
6938   And thus his freendis foes we make;
6939   But word ne wite shal he noon,
6940   Till all hise freendis ben his foon.
6941   ffor if we dide it openly,
6942   We myght have blame redily;
6943   ffor hadde he wist of oure malice,
6944   He hadde hym kept, but he were nyce.
6945   'Another is this, that, if so falle
6946   That ther be oon amonge us Alle
6947   That doth a good turne, out of drede,
6948   We seyn it is oure alder deede.