The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 138 rectoBackBACKBackF137v Folio 137 verso   Folio 138 verso F138v

6901   That ben to be begiled Able,
6902   Burdons that ben importable;
6903   On folkes shuldris thinges they couchen
6904   That they nyl with her fyngris touchen.'
6905   'And why wole they not touche it?' 'Why?
6906   ffor hem ne lyst not, sikirly;
6907   ffor sadde burdons that men taken
6908   Make folkes shuldris Aken.
6909   And if they do ought that good be,
6910   That is for folk it shulde se:
6911   Her burdons larger maken they,
6912   And make her hemmes wide Alwey,
6913   And loven setes at the table,
6914   The firste and most honourable;
6915   And forto han the first chaieris
6916   In synagogis, to hem full deere is;
6917   And willen that folk hem loute and grete,
6918   Whanne that they passen thurgh the strete,
6919   And wolen be cleped "maister" Also.
6920   But they ne shulde not willen so;
6921   The gospel is ther ageyns, I gesse:
6922   That shewith wel her wikkidnesse.
6923   'Another custome use we:
6924   Of hem that wole ayens us be,