The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 137 versoBackBACKBackF137r Folio 137 recto   Folio 138 recto F138r

6877   ffro whiche I wole not hide in holde
6878   No pryvete that me is tolde,
6879   That I by word or signe, ywis,
6880   Wole make hem knowe what it is,
6881   And they wolen also tellen me;
6882   They hele fro me no pryvyte.
6883   And forto make yow hem pceyven,
6884   That usen folk thus to disceyven,
6885   I wole you seyn, withouten drede,
6886   What men may in the gospel rede
6887   Of seynt Mathew, the gospelere,
6888   That seith, as I shal you sey heere.
6889   'Uppon the chaire of moyses
6890   Thus is it glosed, doutles:
6891   That is the olde testament,
6892   ffor therby is the chaire ment
6893   Sitte Scribes and pharisen;
6894   That is to seyn, the cursid men
6895   Whiche that we ypocritis calle
6896   Doth that they preche, I rede you Alle,
6897   But doth not as they don a dele,
6898   That ben not wery to seye wele,
6899   But to do wel, no will have they;
6900   And they wolde bynde on folk Alwey,