The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 136 versoBackBACKBackF136r Folio 136 recto   Folio 137 recto F137r

6829   And my delites I fulfille
6830   With wyne at feestes at my wille,
6831   And tables full of entremees;
6832   I wole no lyf, but ese and pees,
6833   And wynne gold to spende Also.
6834   ffor whanne the gret bagge is go,
6835   It cometh right with my Iapes.
6836   Make I not wel tumble myn Apes?
6837   To wynnen is alwey myn entent;
6838   My purchace is bettir than my rent;
6839   ffor though I shulde beten be,
6840   Over al I entremete me;
6841   Without me may no wight dure.
6842   I walke soules forto cure.
6843   Of al the world cure have I
6844   In brede and lengthe; boldly
6845   I wole bothe preche and eke counceilen;
6846   With hondis wille I not traveilen,
6847   ffor of the Pope I have the bull;
6848   I ne holde not my wittes dull.
6849   I wole not stynten, in my lyve,
6850   These empours forto shryve,
6851   Or kyngis, dukis, lordis grete;
6852   But pore folk al quyte I lete.