The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 136 rectoBackBACKBackF135v Folio 135 verso   Folio 136 verso F136v

6805   And hem in goodnesse ay contene,
6806   On hem is lytel thrift sene;
6807   Such folk drinken gret mysese;
6808   That lyf may me never plese.
6809   But se what gold han usurers,
6810   And silver eke in garners,
6811   Taylagiers, and these monyours,
6812   Bailifs, bedels, provost, countours;
6813   These lyven wel nygh by ravyne;
6814   The smale puple hem mote enclyne,
6815   And they as wolves wole hem eten.
6816   Upon the pore folk they geten
6817   ffull moche of that they spende or kepe;
6818   Nis none of hem that he nyl strepe,
6819   And wrine hem silf wel at full;
6820   Without scaldyng they hem pull.
6821   The stronge the feble overgoth;
6822   But I, that were my symple cloth,
6823   Robbe bothe robbyng and robbours,
6824   And gile giling and gilours.
6825   By my treget, I gadre and threste
6826   The gret tresour into my cheste,
6827   That lyth with me so fast bounde.
6828   Myn high paleys do I founde,