The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 135 rectoBackBACKBackF134v Folio 134 verso   Folio 135 verso F135v

6757   Swynke he with his hondis corporell,
6758   And not with hondis espirituell.
6759   'In al this caas, and in semblables,
6760   If that ther ben mo resonables,
6761   He may begge, as I telle you heere,
6762   And ellis nought, in no manere;
6763   As william seynt amour wolde preche,
6764   And ofte wolde dispute and teche
6765   Of this mater all openly
6766   At Parys full solemply.
6767   And also god my soule blesse,
6768   As he had, in this stedfastnesse,
6769   The accorde of the universite,
6770   And of the puple, as semeth me.
6771   'No good man oughte it to refuse,
6772   Ne ought hym therof to excuse,
6773   Be wrothe or blithe who so be;
6774   ffor I wole speke, and telle it thee,
6775   Al shulde I dye, and be putt doun,
6776   As was seynt poule, in derke prisoun;
6777   Or be exiled in this caas
6778   With wrong, as maister william was,
6779   That my moder ypocrysie
6780   Banysshed for hir gret envye.