The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 134 versoBackBACKBackF134r Folio 134 recto   Folio 135 recto F135r

6733   May gone aboute and begge his breed,
6734   That he be not for hungur deed.
6735   Or if he have of craft kunnyng,
6736   And strengthe also, and desiryng
6737   To wirken, as he had what,
6738   But he fynde neither this ne that,
6739   Thanne may he begge, til that he
6740   Have geten his necessite.
6741   'Or if his wynnyng be so lite,
6742   That his labour wole not Acquyte
6743   Sufficiantly al his lyvyng,
6744   Yit may he go his breed begging;
6745   ffro dore to dore he may go trace,
6746   Til he the remenaunt may purchace.
6747   Or if a man wolde undirtake
6748   Ony emprise forto make,
6749   In the rescous of oure lay,
6750   And it defenden as he may,
6751   Be it with armes or lettrure,
6752   Or other covenable cure,
6753   If it be so he pore be,
6754   Thanne may he begge, til that he
6755   May fynde in trouthe forto swynke,
6756   And gete hym clothe, mete, and drynke.