The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 134 rectoBackBACKBackF133v Folio 133 verso   Folio 134 verso F134v

6709   Telle how a man may begge at nede,
6710   That hath not wherwith hym to fede,
6711   Maugre his felones Iangelyngis,
6712   ffor sothfastnesse wole none hidyngis;
6713   And yit, pcas, I may Abey,
6714   That I to yow sothly thus sey.
6715   'Lo, heere the caas especial:
6716   If a man be so bestial
6717   That he of no craft hath science,
6718   And nought desireth ignorence,
6719   Thanne may he go a begging yerne,
6720   Til he somme maner crafte kan lerne,
6721   Thurgh which, without truaundyng,
6722   He may in trouthe have his lyvyng.
6723   Or if he may done no labour,
6724   ffor elde, or sykenesse, or langour,
6725   Or for his tendre age Also,
6726   Thanne may he yit a begging go.
6727   'Or if he have, paventure,
6728   Thurgh usage of his noxture,
6729   Lyved over deliciously,
6730   Thanne oughten good folk comunly
6731   Han of his myscheef somme pitee,
6732   And suffren hym also, that he