The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 133 versoBackBACKBackF133r Folio 133 recto   Folio 134 recto F134r

6685   'Telle me thanne how a man may lyven,
6686   That al his good to pore hath yiven,
6687   And wole but oonly bidde his bedis,
6688   And wole but only ***** ****** ******
6689   May he do so?' 'Yhe, sir.' 'And how?'
6690   'Sir, I wole gladly telle yow:
6691   Seynt Austyn seith, a man may be
6692   In houses that han pprete,
6693   As templers and hospitelers,
6694   And as these chanouns regulers,
6695   Or white monkes, or these blake
6696   I wole no mo ensamplis make
6697   And take therof his sustenyng,
6698   ffor therynne lyth no begging;
6699   But other weys not, ywys,
6700   Yit Austyn gabbith not of this.
6701   And yit full many a monke laboreth,
6702   That god in hooly chirche honoureth;
6703   ffor whanne her swynkyng is Agone,
6704   They rede and synge in chirche Anone.
6705   'And for ther hath ben gret discorde,
6706   As many a wight may bere recorde,
6707   Upon the estate of mendiciens,
6708   I wole shortly, in youre presence,