The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 133 rectoBackBACKBackF132v Folio 132 verso   Folio 133 verso F133v

6661   Seynt poule, that loved al hooly chirche,
6662   He bade thappostles forto wirche,
6663   And wynnen her lyflode in that wise,
6664   And hem defended truaundise,
6665   And seide, "Wirketh with youre honden;"
6666   Thus shulde the thing be undirstonden.
6667   He nolde, iwys, have bidde hem begging,
6668   Ne sellen gospel, ne prechyng,
6669   Lest they berafte, with her Askyng,
6670   ffolk of her catel or of her thing.
6671   ffor in this world is many a man
6672   That yeveth his good, for he ne can
6673   Werne it for shame, or ellis he
6674   Wolde of the asker delyvered be;
6675   And, for he hym encombrith so,
6676   He yeveth hym good to late hym go:
6677   But it can hym no thyng profit,
6678   They lese the yift and the meryt.
6679   The good folk, that poule to preched,
6680   Profred hym ofte, whan he hem teched,
6681   Some of her good in charite;
6682   But therfore right no thing toke he;
6683   But of his hondwerk wolde he gete
6684   Clothes to wryne hym, and his mete.'