The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 132 versoBackBACKBackF132r Folio 132 recto   Folio 133 recto F133r

6637   Who that takith almessis, that be
6638   Dewe to folk that men may se
6639   Lame, feble, wery, and bare,
6640   Pore, or in such maner care,
6641   That konne wynne hem never mo,
6642   ffor they have no power therto,
6643   He etith his owne dampnyng,
6644   But if he lye, that made al thing.
6645   And if ye such a truaunt fynde,
6646   Chastise hym wel, if ye be kynde.
6647   But they wolde hate you, pcas,
6648   And, if ye fillen in her laas,
6649   They wolde eftsoonys do you scathe,
6650   If that they myght, late or rathe;
6651   ffor they be not full pacient,
6652   That han the world thus foule blent.
6653   And witeth wel, that god bad
6654   The good man selle al that he had,
6655   And folowe hym, and to pore it yeve,
6656   He wolde not therfore that he lyve
6657   To serven hym in mendience,
6658   ffor it was nevere his sentence;
6659   But he bad wirken whanne that neede is,
6660   And folwe hym in goode dedis.