The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 132 rectoBackBACKBackF131v Folio 131 verso   Folio 132 verso F132v

6613   Seynt austyn wole therto Accorde,
6614   In thilke book that I recorde.
6615   Justinian eke, that made lawes,
6616   Hath thus forboden, by olde dawes,
6617   "No man, up peyne to be dede,
6618   Mighty of body, to begge his brede,
6619   If he may swynke, it forto gete;
6620   Men shulde hym rather mayme or bete,
6621   Or done of hym aperte Iustice,
6622   Than suffren hym in such malice."
6623   They done not wel, so mote I go,
6624   That taken such almesse so,
6625   But if they have somme pryvelege,
6626   That of the peyne hem wole Allege.
6627   But how that is, can I not see,
6628   But if the prince disseyved be;
6629   Ne I ne wene not, sikerly,
6630   That they may have it rightfully.
6631   But I wole not determine
6632   Of prynces power, ne defyne,
6633   Ne by my word comprende, Iwys,
6634   If it so ferre may strecche in this.
6635   I wole not entremete a dele;
6636   But I trowe that the book seith wele,