The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 131 rectoBackBACKBackF130v Folio 130 verso   Folio 131 verso F131v

6565   With ther ppre hondis they wrought,
6566   And with travel, and ellis nought,
6567   They wonnen all her sustenaunce,
6568   And lyveden forth in her penaunce,
6569   And the remenaunt yaf Awey
6570   To other pore folkis Alwey.
6571   They neither bilden tour ne halle,
6572   But they in houses smale with Alle.
6573   A myghty man, that can and may,
6574   Shulde with his honde and body Alway
6575   Winne hym his fode in laboring,
6576   If he ne have rent or sich a thing,
6577   Al though he be religious,
6578   And god to serven curious.
6579   Thus mote he done, or do trespas,
6580   But if it be in certeyn cas,
6581   That I can reherce, if myster be,
6582   Right wel, whanne the tyme I se.
6583   '*eke the book of seynt Austyne,
6584   Be it in papir or perchemyne,
6585   There as he writ of these worchynges,
6586   Thou shalt seen that noon excusynges
6587   A parfit man ne shulde seke
6588   Bi wordis, ne bi dedis eke,