The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 130 versoBackBACKBackF130r Folio 130 recto   Folio 131 recto F131r

6541   Unnethe that he nys a mycher,
6542   fforsworne, or ellis goddis lyer."
6543   Thus seith Salamon sawes;
6544   Ne we fynde writen in no lawis,
6545   And namely in oure cristen lay
6546   Who so seith "yhe," I dar sey "nay"
6547   That crist, ne his apostlis dere,
6548   While that they walkide in erthe heere,
6549   Were never seen her bred beggyng,
6550   ffor they nolden beggen for nothing.
6551   And right thus was men wont to teche;
6552   And in this wise wolde it preche
6553   The maistres of divinite
6554   Somtyme in Parys the citee.
6555   'And if men wolde ther geyn Appose
6556   The nakid text, and lete the glose,
6557   It myght soone assoiled be;
6558   ffor men may wel the sothe see,
6559   That, parde, they myght aske a thing
6560   Pleynly forth, without begging.
6561   ffor they weren goddis herdis deere,
6562   And cure of soules hadden heere,
6563   They nolde no thing begge her fode;
6564   ffor aftir crist was done on rode,