The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 130 rectoBackBACKBackF129v Folio 129 verso   Folio 130 verso F130v

6517   That riche men han more tecches
6518   Of synne, than han pore wrecches,
6519   And han of counsel more mister;
6520   And therfore I wole drawe hem ner.
6521   But as grete hurt, it may so be,
6522   Hath a soule in right grete povte,
6523   As soule in grete richesse, forsothe,
6524   Al be it that they hurten bothe.
6525   ffor richesse and mendicitees
6526   Ben clepid ii extremytees;
6527   The mene is cleped suffisaunce,
6528   Ther lyth of vtu the Aboundaunce.
6529   ffor Salamon, full wel I wote,
6530   In his parablis us wrote,
6531   As it is knowe to many a wight,
6532   In his thrittene chapitre right:
6533   "God, thou me kepe, for thi pouste,
6534   ffro richesse and mendicite;
6535   ffor if a riche man hym dresse
6536   To thenke to myche on richesse,
6537   His herte on that so fer is sett,
6538   That he his creatour foryett;
6539   And hym, that beggith wole ay greve,
6540   How shulde I bi his word hym leve?