The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 129 versoBackBACKBackF129r Folio 129 recto   Folio 120 recto F130r

6493   Than of pore man of mylde mode,
6494   Though that his soule be also gode.
6495   ffor whanne I see beggers quakyng,
6496   Naked on myxnes al stynking,
6497   ffor hungre crie, and eke for care,
6498   I entremete not of her fare.
6499   They ben so pore, and ful of pyne,
6500   They myght not oonys yeve me a dyne,
6501   ffor they have no thing but her lyf;
6502   What shulde he yeve that likketh his knyf?
6503   It is but foly to entremete,
6504   To seke in houndes nest fat mete.
6505   Lete bere hem to the spitel Anoon,
6506   But, for me, comfort gete they noon.
6507   But a riche sike usurere
6508   Wolde I visite and drawe nere;
6509   Hym wole I comforte and rehete,
6510   ffor I hope of his gold to gete.
6511   And if that wikkid deth hym have,
6512   I wole go with hym to his grave.
6513   And if ther ony reprove me,
6514   Why that I lete the pore be,
6515   Wostow how I not Ascape?
6516   I sey, and swere hym ful rape,