The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 129 rectoBackBACKBackF128v Folio 128 verso   Folio 129 verso F129v

6469   That they shal leesen with force,
6470   Yhe, bothe her mytre and her croce.
6471   Thus Iape I hem, and have do longe,
6472   My pryveleges ben so stronge.'
6473   Falssemblant wolde have stynted heere,
6474   But love ne made hym no such cheere
6475   That he was wery of his sawe;
6476   But forto make hym glad and fawe,
6477   He seide: 'Telle on more specialy,
6478   How that thou servest untrewly.
6479   Telle forth, and shame thee never a dele;
6480   ffor as thyn abit shewith wele,
6481   Thou servest an hooly heremyte.'
6482   'Sothe is, but I am but an ypocrite.'
6483   'Thou goste and prechest poverte?'
6484   'Yhe, sir; but richesse hath pouste.'
6485   'Thou prechest abstinence Also?'
6486   'Sir, I wole fillen, so mote I go,
6487   My paunche of good mete and wyne,
6488   As shulde a maister of dyvyne;
6489   ffor how that I me pover feyne,
6490   Yit all pore folk I disdeyne.
6491   'I love bettir that queyntaunce
6492   Ten tyme, of the kyng of fraunce,