The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 127 versoBackBACKBackF127r Folio 127 recto   Folio 128 recto F128r

6397   Ne reherce efte my shrift to thee;
6398   O shrift is right ynough to me.
6399   This ought thee suffice wele,
6400   Ne be not rebel never a dele;
6401   ffor certis, though thou haddist it sworne,
6402   I wote no prest ne prelat borne
6403   That may to shrift efte me constreyne.
6404   And if they done, I wole me pleyne;
6405   ffor I wote where to pleyne wele.
6406   Thou shalt not streyne me a dele,
6407   Ne enforce me, ne not me trouble,
6408   To make my confessioun double.
6409   Ne I have none Affeccioun
6410   To have double Absolucioun.
6411   The firste is right ynough to me;
6412   This latter assoilyng quyte I thee.
6413   I am unbounde; what maist thou fynde
6414   More of my synnes me to unbynde?
6415   ffor he, that myght hath in his honde,
6416   Of all my synnes me unbonde.
6417   And if thou wolt me thus constreyne,
6418   That me mote nedis on thee pleyne,
6419   There shall no Iugge impial,
6420   Ne bisshop, ne official,