The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 128 rectoBackBACKBackF127v Folio 127 verso   Folio 128 verso F128v

6421   Done Iugement on me; for I
6422   Shal gone and pleyne me openly
6423   Unto my shriftfadir newe,
6424   That hight not frere wolf untrewe!
6425   And he shal cheveys hym for me,
6426   ffor I trowe he can hampre thee.
6427   But, lord! he wolde be wrooth withall,
6428   If men hym wolde frere wolf call!
6429   ffor he wolde have no pacience,
6430   But done al cruel vengeaunce!
6431   He wolde his myght done at the leest,
6432   No thing spare for goddis heest.
6433   And, god so wys be my socour,
6434   But thou yeve me my savyour
6435   At ester, whanne it likith me,
6436   Withoute presyng more on thee,
6437   I wole forth, and to hym gone,
6438   And he shal housel me Anoon,
6439   ffor I am out of thi grucching;
6440   I kepe not dele with thee nothing."
6441   Thus may he shryve hym, that forsaketh
6442   His poch prest, and to me takith.
6443   And if the prest wole hym refuse,
6444   I am full redy hym to Accuse,