The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 126 rectoBackBACKBackF125v Folio 125 verso   Folio 126 verso F126v

6325   ffull wel I can my clothis chaunge,
6326   Take oon, and make another straunge.
6327   Now am I knyght, now chasteleyne;
6328   Now prelat, and now chapeleyne;
6329   Now prest, now clerk, and now forstere;
6330   Now am I maister, now scolere;
6331   Now monke, now chanoun, now baily;
6332   What ever myster man am I.
6333   Now am I prince, now am I page,
6334   And kan by herte every langage.
6335   Some tyme am I hore and olde;
6336   Now am I yonge, stoute, and bolde;
6337   Now am I Robert, now Robyn;
6338   Now frere menour,now Iacobyn;
6339   And with me folwith my loteby,
6340   To done me salas and company,
6341   That hight dame abstinence and reyned,
6342   In many a queynte array feyned.
6343   Ryght as it cometh to hir lykyng,
6344   I fulfille al hir desiryng.
6345   Somtyme a wommans cloth take I;
6346   Now am I mayde, now lady.
6347   Somtyme I am religious;
6348   Now lyk an anker in an hous.