The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 125 versoBackBACKBackF125r Folio 125 recto   Folio 126 recto F126r

6301   So they wollen my company;
6302   ffor they be shent al outerly
6303   But if so falle, that I be
6304   Ofte with hem, and they with me.
6305   And eke my lemman mote they serve,
6306   Or they shull not my love deserve.
6307   fforsothe, I am a fals traitour;
6308   God iugged me for a theef trichour;
6309   fforsworne I am, but wel nygh none
6310   Wote of my gile, til it be done.
6311   'Thourgh me hath many oon deth resseyved,
6312   That my treget nevere apceyved;
6313   And yit resseyveth, and shal resseyve,
6314   That my falsnesse shal nevere apceyve:
6315   But who so doth, if he wise be,
6316   Hym is right good be warre of me.
6317   But so sligh is the a pceyvyng
6318   That to hard is the] Aperceyving. (missing in MS)
6319   ffor Protheus, that cowde hym chaunge
6320   In every shap, homely and straunge,
6321   Cowde nevere sich gile ne tresoune
6322   As I; for I come never in toune
6323   There as I myght knowen be,
6324   Though men me bothe myght here and see.