The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 125 rectoBackBACKBackF124v Folio 124 verso   Folio 125 verso F125v

6277   Who myght defense ayens hem make?
6278   Without stroke it mote be take
6279   Of trepeget or mangonel;
6280   Without displaiyng of pensel.
6281   And if god nyl done it socour,
6282   But lat renne in this colour,
6283   Thou most thyn heestis laten be.
6284   Thanne is ther nought, but yelde thee,
6285   Or yeve hem tribute, doutlees,
6286   And holde it of hem to have pees:
6287   But gretter harme bitide thee,
6288   That they al maister of it be.
6289   Wel konne they scorne thee withal;
6290   By day stuffen they the wall,
6291   And al the nyght they mynen there.
6292   Nay, thou planten most elles where
6293   Thyn ympes, if thou wolt fruyt have;
6294   Abide not there thi silf to save.
6295   'But now pees! heere I turne Ageyne;
6296   I wole no more of this thing seyne,
6297   If I may passen me herby;
6298   I myght maken you wery.
6299   But I wole heten you Alway
6300   To helpe youre freendis what I may,